Real Life Among Us!

by Thebest1423 in Craft > Reuse

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Real Life Among Us!


Do you want to have fun with your whole family? This is a fun activity that everyone enjoys! Create a Among Us game in your own house or outdoors! You need 4 or more players of all ages for this activity.


- 2 bottles with 1 full of water.

- 2 trash cans with bag in them.

- Paper.

- 2 Device’s with calculator open/ real calculator

- Old empty milk/water carton

- Nerf gun (optional)

- Plastic weapons

- bucket/ old cottage cheese carton.

Refill Laser Fuel.


Ok, this is a task I made up. But hey, someone’s got to be prepared for space pirates!!! For this task you will need 2 bottles. You will put 1 of them in a fridge. The next one you will put next to sink. Put water in the one at the sink, and something else in the one in the fridge. Fill the one in the fridge Half-way. Fill the one with water 3 quarters of the way. For this task you will pour some of the non-water liquid into the water bottle. You are now done this task.

Filling Gas Tank.


For this task you will need a bucket and a old milk carton. Place the bucket in your kitchen. Place the bucket in a bathroom. You can paint the carton but you do not have to. For this task you will fill the gas tank (bucket or old cottage cheese cup) with water from the gas tank (carton). You will fill the carton with water and get to the kitchen. Then you will dump the water in the carton into the bucket. Once you do that, you are done this task. You can put as much of this as you want around the task.

Empty Trash Shoot


For this you will need 2 trash cans anywhere. You will go up to the can and take the bag out. Then you will put it in the other trash can in a different spot. You are now done this task.

Convert Power to Co2.


For this you will need a calculator on phone/ real life calculator. Someone will make a random 8 digit code. Then, they will write it on a sticky note or scrap of paper. They will put this next to the calculator. For this task, a crewmate will type in the code to the calculator. Then they are done the task. Do this 1 more time somewhere else.

Things You Need to Play.


You all need baseball hats or knitted hats. You also need different color shirts and a bowl/hat.

Setting Up

Put all the tasks in the places where they are aid to belong in the making instruction of that task. If there is no designated spot, place it anywhere. Put as many of these tasks around as you like. I recommend 2 tasks for every player. This means that if you have 4 players, have 8 tasks.

How to Play!

So you need a hat at the beginning and scraps of paper with one imposter pare. Write imposter on the imposter paper. Now make 1 more paper scrap for each other player. Example: If you have 6 players, you want 1 imposter and 5 crew mates. Now put hats on everyone and everyone should look different. Now someone place 1 plastic weapon in different rooms. You want 1 weapon for every crew mate. Example. If you have 4 players, you want 3 weapons in different rooms. When the imposter kills you, you can not speak until the end of the game. You will be killed if you hat is off. Just yell in your kitchen “ emergency meeting“ if you want to call it and vote someone off.

More Ways to Play!

You can also play outside with the same rules. You may not be able to do all the tasks but you still can play! You can also use nerf guns or throw something to play social distanced!

Have Fun! .


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