Reaction Time Trainer

by ILoveNarutoandArduino in Circuits > Arduino

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Reaction Time Trainer


This an Arduino device can train older people's reaction time to prevent dementia, since staying mentally alert and constantly being aware of practicing can help prevent it from happening. Therefore, I created this device for older adults to practice moving their arms and reacting to the lights. My grandma suffers from dementia, so I would really like to create a machine that can help her and other older people. To use this trainer, you need to press the button (when the right light is on) or put your hand in front of the ultrasonic sensor (when the left light is on) as fast as you can to train your reaction time. When the light turn red, the lion and tiger are ready to eat each other, you need to stop this from happening by pressing the button or touching the sensor accordingly. The LCD board will also show the time you took.


1. Arduino Leonardo

2. 4 Crocodile Clips

3. 18 Wires

4. LCD Display (I2C)

5. Sonar HC-SR04

6. BreadBoard

7. Resistor (100-ohm) * 2 (See picture 1)

8. Resistor (10k-ohm) * 2 (See picture 2);

9. Two LED lights (preferably Red)

Connect the Circuits


Connect the circuits according to the diagram above:

To Clarify:

LCD Board: Connect SCL to SCL and SDA to SDA on Arduino board, connect VCC to positive power charge and GND to negative charge.

The Code:

Remember to download the mandatory library for liquid Crystal I2C LCD board to work.

The Code for this device is available at the link below:

Decorate Your Machine


1. Take a cardboard box and cut it to fit your breadboard and device

2. Cut a hole at the box for the ultrasonic sensor to detect (Picture 1)

3. Cut a hole on top of the box to fit the LCD board (Picture 2)

4. Cut a round hole to fit the button on the top of the box (Picture 3)

5. Cut two tiny holes on the top of the box to put the two LED bulbs in it (Picture 4 as one side)

6. Put any two pictures you like on the top and let the LED light be their eyes (Picture 5)

7. Connect the LED lights with crocodile clips (Picture 6,7)

8. Cut a hole at the bottom of the box to let the power cable pass (Picture 8)

You're Done! Enjoy

Arduino Reaction Time Trainer (Showcase of how to play)
Arduino Reaction Time Trainer (Exterior)

This machine can help people (especially elders) to train their reaction time. The LCD board will inform you did you press the correct button or ultrasonic sensor and show the time you took to react so you can improve!

The First Video is about the exterior of my machine.

The Second Video is about how to use the machine.