ReDIY- Streaming Bluetooth Speaker Project

by CallahanTufts in Circuits > Audio

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ReDIY- Streaming Bluetooth Speaker Project

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reDIY is an open source bluetooth speaker project. We are intending to allow people to create a simple, inexpensive bluetooth compatible speaker. Every type of Maker has an option with this project. You have the option to buy all the pieces and just start using it, or find everything yourself and get down and dirty with the code. What ever your level of knowledge, we've got a version for you.



It is an ongoing project and we're still ironing out lots of details. So right now this instructable is not considered complete. But feel free to take the idea and run with it.


Lets get started.

Here is a video showing how to put it all together.

Making Your Enclosure


We've created 2 options for the speaker enclosure depending on the available resources you have.

The first is a cardboard cut out that can be folded into the required shape.

The Second is a 3D printed enclosure with integrated sound channels.

Step 1a: Cardboard Cut Out Enclosure.


Print out the file you downloaded from the materials list labeled, "Shell Print".

Make sure that it's printed at 100% and the size has not been reduced by your printer.

Take the 4 sheets you've printed and tape them together by matching the labeled corners.

Now you can glue down the sheets to a piece of cardboard. Any standard cardboard thickness will do.

Once you've glued down the sheet, use a sharp exacto knife to cut around the outside of the pattern.

Once the pattern is cut out, watch this video on how to fold your speaker enclosure together.

The hole we've included is for our specific speaker size. Make sure to measure the diameter of your speaker and to cut the hole to the size specific to your speaker.

Step 1b. 3D Printed Shell


Download the 3 parts from the main page labeled

These files have been optimized to reduce cost and print time, but if you feel you can make improvements to them, we've also included the Solidworks files that you can modify.

You will need to print 1 Shell, 4 Channels, 1 Lid and 1 Faceplate.

The shell is the largest piece and should fit on most 3D printers. When oriented upright it can be printed without support material.

The 4 Channels should be printed face down along with the lid and faceplate.


Step 1C. Printed Shell Assembly.

1. Take 1 channel piece, and using super glue or epoxy, glue it into the shell on one of the octagon walls.

2. Repeat this step 3 more times, making sure to skip a wall each time.

3. The final shell should have a channel on every other wall.

2. Fabric Cover


The fabric cover wrap can be made from any available material, old t-Shirts, sweaters or jackets. If you have a specific look in mind, you can always get a small piece of fabric from your local fabric store.

You'll need to print off the template labeled "Fabric Template"

Cut out the two piece and tape them together.

Once taped, pin the paper down to your fabric and start cutting.

Step 2b: Fabric Cover Continued.


The fabric cover uses snaps to keep in in place on your speaker, so we'll need to add those now.

The included template has the snap locations indicated on it.

1. Place the bottom half of the snap on the dots labeled bottom.

1a. Use the snap tool to hammer the bottom snap together and in place on your fabric

2. Place the top half on the dots labeled Top.

2a. Use the snap tool to hammer the top snap together and in place on you fabric.

3. the Speaker


The idea of this project is to use something that may otherwise be thrown out. We collected our speakers from the Sony Surround sound system that was going to be recycled at the local Electronics recycling facility. We've found that the speakers used in surround sound system to be quite good and be readily available, since once the receiver dies, most people throw out the whole system.

1. Locate local electronics recycling facility, garage sale, or dump.

2. Find a speaker measuring less than 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter.

3. Remove speaker from factory housing.

That's it. Your speaker is ready for installation.

Step 4. Electronics.


We've tried to make this project as easy as possible for everyone involved. So here are the things you'll need to get this up and running.

1. C.H.I.P Micro computer.This is the brains of the operation. Available via this link......

2. A rechargeable battery pack. You can uses anything you like that fits in the enclosure, but we like this one....

3. A small Audio Amp. We know this works well, but you can play around with different ones if you like.

4. Some wire to connect it all. You can use the same wire that you would have collected with the surround sound system.

5. Speaker. This is the speaker you recovered from the surround sound system.

That's it.

6. C.H.I.P Set Up

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1. Connect the C.H.I.P Micro computer to a TV via a composite cable.

2. Plug in your Keyboard and Mouse.

3. Plug the C.H.I.P into power a power adapter or your battery.

4. Turn on the C.H.I.P by pushing the small power button.

5. Wait for it do boot up.

6. Connect your C.H.I.P to your wireless network.

7. Navigate to and download the Wireless speaker software package.

8. Once the software is downloaded, click on the installer icon and wait for your software to install.

9. That's it. Your C.H.I.P is now a bluetooth, airplay wireless receiver. Restart the system and you're ready to go.

Test it by opening your smart phone or tablet.

You should see reDIY as an source under your bluetooth options.

It should also show up On apple devices as an AirPlay ready device.

10. Shut down your C.H.I.P.

7. Audio Amp Wiring.


In this step we are going to solder the wires we need to the Audio amp.

1. Solder a black wire to the "-" terminal on the amp board with only 2 soldering points at one end.

2. Solder a red wire to the "+" terminal on the amp board next to the "-" wire you just soldered.

3. Solder a black wire to the Ground terminal at the opposite end of the board.

4. Solder a red wire to the terminal labeled 2-5VDC next to the ground you just soldered.

5. Solder the "+" and "-" wires from your 3.5 mm Headphone cable to the two terminals labeled "In+" and "In-".

Your wiring should look something like the first image provided.

8. Connection


Time to connect it all together and see if it works. I find this best done before you try and install it in the speaker shell.

1. Connect the + & - speaker wires to the speaker you salvaged from the surround sound system.

2. plug the 3.5 mm headphone cable into the Headphone jack of your C.H.I.P computer.

3. Connect the battery to the power ports on the C.H.I.P (see image)

4. Connect power wires from amp to battery wires.

5. Turn on your C.H.I.P and let it boot up.

That's it. If everything has been connected properly, you should see your reDIY as a source to send audio to from your mobile phone or tablet.

Play some music and try it out.

If everything is working, move on to the next step.



It's time to put it all together.

1. Take your Shell (3D printed or Cardboard) and glue the C.H.I.P, amp and battery onto their own interior walls.

2. Connect all the cables like you did in the previous step.

3. Place the speaker in the opening at the top of the shell and connect it to your amp.

4. Place you fabric over the speaker and shell so that it's centred.

5. Put the top plate over the fabric so that it lines up with the Shell.

6. Pass the 4 small bolts through the plate holes and screw them into the bolts you glued in place on the bottom side of the shell.

7. The speaker should now be affixed to the fabric.

8. Turn on the speaker by powering up the C.H.I.P.

9. Close up the fabric using the snaps you installed during Step 6.

Your done. You can now enjoy your reDIY speaker that you built yourself.