Raspberry Pi Ventilation

by sean_sylvester1 in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Raspberry Pi Ventilation


The raspberry pi is a mighty computer for its size, and is a must have for any DIYer. Pi's don't come with any sort of heat sink or cooling device so they can heat up quickly n the typically sealed cases. In this instructable, you'll learn how to lasercut air vent for your case.

Find a Case

Start off by finding some sort of case for your raspberry pi, it can be laser cutter plans or preassembled. If you are going to laser cut a case, then I recommend using the Adafruit case which I've provided a copy of. Avoid metal cases, they are vulnerable to shorting out the board. A good place to find cases is thingiverse.


Downloading the Plans

Start off by downloading the files I've posted below. Use the xps for cutting the Adafruit case, and use the SVG to rescale it for another case. Once you have scaled it, print it to the xps document writer (a free program, it should come with your laser cutter).
Now you need to send the xps to your laser cutter's software (a common one is retina engrave). Once the xps is there, set the ovals on the raspberry to a different layer. You only need to change the general outline of the ovals, there will be a few spots that are missed; but those won't make a difference. Now you need to format that new layer to a cutting setting, for 1/8 inch acrylic use Speed: 25 Power:100 Passes:2. Now set the original layer to an engraving setting, this time use Speed: 70 Power:5 Passes: 2. WARNING! Those settings are only suggestions, adjust them according to your material and cutter.

Prep for Cutting


Now that you have setup your cutter for design, you'll need to cut it. Take the top panel of your case and place it in the cutting area. Once you have focused it, adjust the origin of the cut so that it lies roughly in the center. You can place it anywhere you want but this is the most aesthetically pleasing location for the holes. After adjusting the origin, you can hit cut.

Final Results


This is what the end result should look like. The holes allow for the exchange of air so that the pi can't overheat. It also adds a unique and stylish design to your case. Feel free to ask me any questions about the design, and enjoy your new pi mod.