Raspberry Pi AI – ChatGPT API

by rasmurtech in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Raspberry Pi AI – ChatGPT API


In this age of rapid technological advancement, developing a Raspberry Pi AI endeavor that comprehends human speech and offers responses presents a thrilling bridge between humans and machines. Using the versatile and potent Raspberry Pi, this guide will walk you through crafting a vocal interaction system that engages with the GPT-4 API.

Both hobbyists and professionals alike have delved into the multifaceted uses of the Raspberry Pi. Yet, fusing it with artificial intelligence propels its capabilities into a new dimension. Picture conversing with your Raspberry Pi and receiving insightful replies, all made possible by AI algorithms. This manual furnishes a detailed walkthrough from downloading the necessary tools and setting up access credentials to scripting the Python program and evaluating your creation.

Whether you're curious about the AI realm, eager to elevate your Raspberry Pi pursuits, or simply on the hunt for a fresh and invigorating project, this guide promises insights. Gear up for an enriching adventure as you tutor your Raspberry Pi in the art of dialogue, delving deep into the mesmerizing domain of Raspberry Pi AI!




  • Raspberry Pi: Opt for a modern model equipped to run Python and manage audio processes. This device is the central unit of our endeavor, responsible for running scripts and interfacing with the APIs.
  • Microphone: Prioritize a high-caliber microphone to record voice prompts. Choices range from USB mics to those that can be hooked to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins.
  • Speaker: Source an external speaker to relay the vocal responses from GPT-4. Ensure its compatibility with the Raspberry Pi, be it via a 3.5mm jack, HDMI, or USB.
  • USB Jack:

Software and Credentials:

  • Google Cloud JSON Key File: For leveraging Google's Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech services, this JSON key file is mandatory for validation. It's essential to have a Google Cloud account and permissions to utilize these services.
  • OpenAI API Key: Interaction with the GPT-4 engine necessitates an API key issued by OpenAI. Register and secure your key from the OpenAI portal.

Updating Your Raspberry Pi

  1. Open a Terminal window on your Raspberry Pi (or connect to it remotely via SSH).
  2. Type the following command to update the list of available packages: sqlCopy code sudo apt-get update Enter your password if prompted.
  3. After the package list is updated, upgrade the system with the following command:arduinoCopy code sudo apt-get upgrade -y The -y flag will automatically answer 'yes' to the prompts during the upgrade process.
  4. If you want to upgrade the distribution you are using to the latest version, use the following command:arduinoCopy code sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  5. It's a good idea to clean up the package cache on your Raspberry Pi from time to time. To do this, type the following command:arduinoCopy code sudo apt-get clean
  6. Finally, reboot your Raspberry Pi to ensure all updates are applied:Copy code sudo reboot

Install Required Packages

1. pyaudio:

  • This library allows us to interact with the audio hardware and capture the sound from the microphone.
  • Command: pip3 install pyaudio

2. Google Cloud Packages:

  • For speech recognition and text-to-speech, you'll need the Google Cloud libraries.
  • Command: pip3 install google-cloud-speech google-cloud-texttospeech

3. openai:

  • This package is essential for interfacing with the GPT-4 engine.
  • Command: pip3 install openai

4. mpg321:

  • A command-line MP3 player to play the synthesized response.
  • Command: sudo apt-get install mpg321

Setup Credentials

1. Google Cloud Credentials:

  • Navigate to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  • Create a project and enable the Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech APIs.
  • Create a service account key, which will be your JSON key file.
  • Save this key file to your Raspberry Pi, preferably in a known location.

2. OpenAI API Key:

  • Head to OpenAI's platform and sign in or sign up for an account.
  • Navigate to the API keys section and create or copy your existing API key.
  • In your Python code, you will include this key as a string value for the variable openai_api_key.

3. Environment Variables (Optional):

  • For additional security, you may choose to store these keys as environment variables.
  • You can edit your Raspberry Pi's .bashrc or other shell configuration files to export these keys as variables.

Write the Python Code

Now that you've set up your credentials and audio configurations, let's delve into the heart of the project: enabling your Raspberry Pi to interact with the GPT-4 API using voice commands. This code will translate spoken words into text, forward the text to GPT-4, and vocalize the resulting output.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Library Imports:
  • Begin by importing essential libraries such as os, pyaudio, google.cloud, and openai.
  1. Setting Up Credentials:
  • Provide the path to your Google Cloud JSON key file and input the OpenAI API key.
  1. Audio Configuration:
  • Configure audio elements like format, channels, rate, and chunk size, as previously discussed.
  1. Audio Capture & Transcription:
  • Establish an audio stream to collect voice data and forward it to Google's Speech-to-Text service.
  • Process the returned data to extract the transcribed text.
  1. Interaction with OpenAI GPT-4:
  • Deploy OpenAI’s Completion.create method to send the transcribed text to the GPT-4 engine and acquire the textual response.
  1. Text-to-Speech Conversion:
  • Employ Google's Text-to-Speech functionality to turn GPT-4's text reply into audio.
  • Save this audio output and play it using tools like mpg321.

import os
import pyaudio
from google.cloud import speech_v1 as speech
from google.cloud import texttospeech
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
import openai

# Path to your Google Cloud JSON key file
key_path = "//home//pi//Desktop//Python Code//keyfile.json" # Path to your JSON File

# Google Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech credentials
credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_file(key_path)

# OpenAI API key
openai_api_key = '' # Your Openai API Key
openai.api_key = openai_api_key

# Google Speech-to-Text client
speech_client = speech.SpeechClient(credentials=credentials)

# Google Text-to-Speech client
tts_client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient(credentials=credentials)

# Audio configuration
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 16000
CHUNK = int(RATE / 10) # 100ms

audio_stream = pyaudio.PyAudio().open(
format=FORMAT, channels=CHANNELS,
rate=RATE, input=True,

print("Say something:")

# Capture audio
frames = [audio_stream.read(CHUNK) for _ in range(30)] # 3 seconds
audio_data = b''.join(frames)


# Send audio to Google Speech-to-Text
audio = speech.RecognitionAudio(content=audio_data)
config = speech.RecognitionConfig(

response = speech_client.recognize(config=config, audio=audio)

if response.results and response.results[0].alternatives:
transcription = response.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript
print("No transcription results found.")
transcription = ""

# Send transcription to OpenAI
openai_response = openai.Completion.create(

# Convert OpenAI response to speech
synthesis_input = texttospeech.SynthesisInput(text=openai_response)
voice = texttospeech.VoiceSelectionParams(

audio_config = texttospeech.AudioConfig(

tts_response = tts_client.synthesize_speech(
input=synthesis_input, voice=voice,

# Save and play the response
with open('response.mp3', 'wb') as out:

os.system("mpg321 response.mp3")

Test the Project

 Run the Python Script:

  • Ensure that all previous steps have been executed successfully, and run your Python script.
  • Pay attention to any error messages or warnings, as they can help identify potential issues.

2. Speak into the Microphone:

  • Follow the on-screen prompt to speak into the microphone. Keep your speech clear and at a normal volume.
  • Watch for visual feedback in the terminal that confirms the audio capture.

3. Listen to the Response:

  • The Raspberry Pi should process your speech, interact with the GPT-4 API, and play a synthesized response.
  • Ensure that the response is audible and clear.

4. Review the Logs (if applicable):

  • If you’ve added any logging to your code, review the logs to understand the flow of information and to detect any hidden issues.

5. Troubleshoot if Necessary:

  • If anything doesn’t work as expected, refer back to the previous sections and check your setup, code, and configurations.
  • Don’t hesitate to consult online resources and communities if you run into any roadblocks.

6. Repeat the Process:

  • To ensure robustness, test the project with different phrases and under different conditions (e.g., background noise).


Crafting a project that transforms a Raspberry Pi into a voice-responsive device powered by the GPT-4 API is truly remarkable. This journey exemplifies the adaptability of current technology and the magic that happens when multiple platforms and tools merge.

Throughout this guide, you've been methodically led from initial setups, such as installing vital packages and adjusting audio settings, to scripting the Python application and project evaluation. This endeavor imparted knowledge on speech recognition, the art of text-to-speech conversion, the intricacies of OpenAI's GPT-4, and the harmonization of these facets into a unified system.

Imagine the expansive horizons this project opens: crafting voice-responsive assistants, pioneering immersive educational platforms, or even reshaping the domain of human-machine interfacing. This groundwork lays a path for endless intriguing ventures.

The immersive approach of this tutorial enhances not just technical comprehension but also kindles the flames of creativity. The illustrative visuals and lucid instructions were tailored to provide an effortless experience, catering to both veterans and newcomers.

Challenge yourself by augmenting this foundational project, experimenting with diverse vocal algorithms, or incorporating additional features. The domain of voice-tech is flourishing, and you're now well-equipped to delve deep.

Your once-basic Raspberry Pi has metamorphosed into a vibrant communication nexus. Relish this newfound dialogue and continue your innovative explorations!