Rainbow Reward Advent Calender

Having 3 children plus a baby, I have a hard time keeping my kids well behaved. Come to think of it...I don't recall a single day where all 3 were perfectly behaved with no sibling aguments...hmmm is such a thing even possible?? lol
Anyway, to help me have a much peaceful enviroment , I decided to make a 'Rewards Advent Calender!' What is a Rewards Advent Calender?? Well if they behave well, they get the goody inside the box! You can even
leave notes saying ' 30 min ipad' or 'ice cream of your choice' . Notes can save you lot's of money ;-)
What You Need

5mm MDF board cut to size. you can go thinner, it doesn't matter.
Matha Stewarts Large Monarch Butterfly Punch. ( Or any design you like)
Fabric to cover board
Colored cardstock to cut shapes
Cake boxes/ favor boxes. - 30 ( or make your own like I did. Studio File is included)
Drill Holes on the Top 2 Corners for Hanging on MDF

Cut Fabric to Size and Glue.

Make a Whole in the Fabric Where You Drilled

Now place your eylet and hammer away. As my board was think I used only the top piece and not the ring. I added a dab of glue just in case before hammering.
Make Your Boxes

You can favor boxes online, But I was very picky that that I couldn't find the type I wanted. My mom got disgusted hunting with me and just said I'll buy you the board! Just make your own!!! What you want does not exist :-/
What was perticular about my box? Well , It has to be a cube and at least big enough to store mini cars. It has to have flaps so that small things like beads don't fall off (I don't know why I was thinking of beads!) . It has to self lock so that the lid does not just pop open! Why was it so impossible to get such a box I don't know...but I couldn't find it. So I made my own! ( Thanks Instructables....I love my prize!!!!!! I kiss it! lol )
I did not put proforate cut lines cause I felt it compromized the strength of the box. For those of you who want the proforate lines I have added it in one box in the Studio file.
The finished box is aproximately 2" x 2"x 2"
Now cut your boxes and make it!
Glue Your Boxes

Make sure the box opens in the same side when glueing. I used 1/2" dowels as guides. Later write the numbers 1-30 on the boxes. What about 31?? well...they can go wilde that day :-D!
Puch Out Your Butterflies

I love Butterflies and I love Rainbow Colors!! So why not combine them?? :-)
Punch them out and Glue the butterflies. Again make sure they are centered.
Now Use It!

Yay! All done. Now let's hope for some good behaviour ;-)
After making this some of my friends wanted a unisex one and an all boys calender. I will be making some and then I will post pictues :-)
Hope you find this tutorial. I hope to hear any good ideas and commets from you!
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