Rainbow Fan Card

by sixteenratsinatrenchcoat in Craft > Cards

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Rainbow Fan Card


Hiya! This rainbow fan card is fun because in opening it to read the message the decorative hearts move in a fan of colours. This craft is pretty simple despite looking complicated at first- I hope you give it a go!


  • Card in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and black
  • scissors / craft knife
  • glue
  • ruler
  • ballpoint pen with no ink
  • pencil

Snippy Snip


Fold an A4 piece of black card in half lengthways. Cut along this fold with scissors or a craft knife- this will be the body of your card.

Next cut five identical hearts, one from each colour of card except black. To get them identical I used a stencil. They should be slightly less wide that your black card base.

Where do rainbows go when they break the law?

Prism :)

Score: 10/10


This part is the only complicated step

  1. With your black card base lying portrait (long rectangle going up rather than sideways) place one card heart at the bottom of the black rectangle
  2. using a ruler and an empty ballpoint pen score the black card just above the top of you heart
  3. Using this line as a starting point score five more lines 1/2 cm apart, creating a ladder image. Use the attached image for a better idea of what to do
  4. Fold along these scored lines to create thin rectangles. The lowest rectangle is rectangle 1, the second is rectangle 2 etc


You will now have an accordion like section in your black card.

Take your blue heart and splodge glue along the tops of the two rounded sections. Place the glued area in rectangle 1 and apply pressure. Take care to only get glue in rectangle 1- this should be the only point at which your heart attaches to the card.

Do the same with your green heart in rectangle 2. Again take care to only glue the very top of your heart in rectangle 2 and not join the two hearts together.

Repeat with the rest of your hearts in reverse rainbow order.

Do you think rainbows are heavy?

Nah, they're light :D


Nice! Now fold along the scored line just above your red heart. The red heart should now be the topmost part of the card. Your card will now have a "tail" - the bottom flap of card you just folded. It sticks out in a square of single card rather than the double folded card. Draw an X on this square from corner to corner and cut along the lines to create a triangle. I cut out a small heart to cover this point.

Finally, the Gold at the End of the Rainbow


Lastly, take a strip of red card the length of the width of an A4 piece of paper. Confusing, I know. Basically you want it to be twice as long as your card is wide. Make your strip of red card about 1/2 cm wide. Fold it in half. Glue the open ends together to create a flat ring. Slide your card into this ring- you want both black pieces of card to be inside the ring but your coloured hearts to sit on top. This way when you hold your card and pull the tail down the accordion folds will fan your hearts in a rainbow arc! To write a message in your card pull the tail down and write in the previously covered section of black card. When you push the tail back up the hearts will return to being flat and your message will be hidden.