
R.O.A.M. is a fully autonomous household robot capable of performing various household tasks. It moves using 2 main wheels, powered by independent motors, and stabilised by 2 auxiliary wheels at its rear. Pneumatic cylinders located in the centre of its cylindrical body allow R.O.A.M. to extend its height from 1.5m to 2.0m, allowing reach for objects at greater heights. 360° cameras, scanners and infrared sensors located in its glass dome allow for a wide field of vision, aiding navigation around the household as well as for security purposes. Internally, there are multiple speakers and bluetooth receptors which allow for voice activation and remote control of lights, air conditioning, heating and entertainment systems. R.O.A.M.has two 3-axis robotic arms as well as a rotating hand, allowing for four degrees of freedom. R.O.A.M. has a large area of compartment space which can utilized in multiple ways, such as storing dirty dishes or laundry, taking out the trash or even installing a 3D printer. Furthermore, R.O.A.M. also has multiple hand attachments for varying purposes such as cleaning and organising. Below is a movement demonstration: