DIY WiFi RGB Desk Lamp

The WIFi RGB Desk lamp brings forth a revolution when it comes to interactivity with lights are concerned. This WIFi RGB Desk lamp is Wi-Fi enabled thus making it wirelessly accessible and one of the better choices for a grand piece in your Desk or Bedroom . This WiFi RGB Desk lamp adds a nice look and texture to your Desk and makes it stand out instantly. Too lazy to turn on or turn off your light? This WIFi RGB Desk lamp has got your back. It is equipped with innovative features such as Wi-Fi Compatibility, Colour Tones and Animations effects for every mood, so that you get to enjoy life king-size. With the Wi-Fi compatibility, you can connect this WiFi RGB Desk lamp to your Wi-Fi network to enjoy controlling the lighting through the dedicated App and Web IP on your smartphone or tablet.By downloading the WLED App, you can change the colour on the colour palette that is available.
I) ESP8266 Circuit Board - 1
II) USB cable - 1
III) Sliding Switch - 1
IV) 3D Printed Parts
V) Super Glue
VI) WS2812B~ 5volt LED Strip - 1 Meter
VII) 3 colours Wire as per your required length
3D Print the STL File

1) The "Transparent Sheet" part should be print with clear PLA Filament with 5% infill.
2) Reaming parts with your choice color PLA Filament with 20% infill.
Note: "Print 2 times" for two lamp.
I have made 2 lamps so if you like to make more then follow the same procedures.
Assmble of 3D Printed Part

Use Superglue to join the 3D Printed part as shown in pictures.
Note 1: I have used Acrylic sheet instead of 3D printed Transparent Sheet for diffusing light. So if you like to use Acrylic sheet then cut it according to size and shape of it.(use size of transparent sheet of 3D part design)
Note 2: I have made 2 lamps so if you like to make more then follow the same procedures.
Stick LED Strip and Solder the Wire

Stick the 20 LED Strip on back side case of lamp and solder 3 wire to led strip as per your required length.
Note: Follow same procedures for other lamps also.
Attach the Sliding Switch to Controller Box

Anything you can use to Attach the switch.
Download WLED Firmware

Download Link:
Download ESP Home Flasher Tool

Download Link:
Open ESP Home Flasher
1) Connect your ESP8266 to your computer.
2) Select the correct port of ESP8266 to which it is connected.
3) Select the "WLED_0.9.1_ESP8266.bin" file that you have downloaded.
4) Click the Flash ESP Button.
5) Wait for some time until you seen WLED WiFi in your phone.
Wiring of Circuit

#LED Strip to ESP826
LED Strip --------> ESP8266
(+5v) ------> (Vin)
(GND) ------> (GND)
(Data) ------> (D4)*
#USB Cable to ESP826
(+5v) ------> Switch -----> (Vin)
(GND) ------> (GND)
## Insert USB to your computer or to 5volt wall adapter.
Put Wires of Led Strip and USB Cable First in Controller Box Through Given Holes Then Solder It With ESP8266

Connect to WLED Wifi in Your Phone
The Password of WLED WiFi is "wled1234"
After Connecting to WLED Wifi You Will See This Screen

1) If you like to connect WLED to work over your home internet WiFi then click to "WIFI SETTINGS"
2) Otherwise to control locally then click on "TO THE CONTROLS!"
Click on " Config" for Configuration of LED and WiFi Setting

Click on WiFi Setup

You can connect WLED to your home network or use local WiFi of ESP8266.
Change AP Name and password according to you.
Write How Many LED You Are Using

Here I am using 20 LEDs
Enjoy Your Colour and Effects

Check All Things Are Working, Before Closing Back Case (lid)

Close Back Lid Using Supergule or Screw
