RFID Security Test
This is just to test if the rfid card works for a first timer
Rfid card reader
Rfid tag
Rfid card
Green led
Red led
Jumper wires
Arduino uno
Rfid tag
Rfid card
Green led
Red led
Jumper wires
Arduino uno
Connect the Rfid Card Reader to Arduino
The rfid reader has pins and where they are connected to
3.3v - 3.3v
Sck(serial clock) - pin 13
MOSI(Master Out Slave In) - pin 11
MISO(Master In Slave Out) -pin 12
RST -pin 9
SDA(or SS )- pin 10
IRQ - not connected
3.3v - 3.3v
Sck(serial clock) - pin 13
MOSI(Master Out Slave In) - pin 11
MISO(Master In Slave Out) -pin 12
RST -pin 9
SDA(or SS )- pin 10
IRQ - not connected
Connecting the Leds and Buzzer
You can connect the led to any pin on the microcontroller as well as the buzzer but they will have a common ground I will using pin4 for the buzzer and pin 6 and 7 for the red and blue led respectively
The Code
There is need to download MFRC522 library, the SPI library is already instead with arduino
The code
const int buzzer =6;
#define RST_PIN 9 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN 10 // Configurable, see typical pin layout abov
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance.
String read_rfid; // Add how many you need and don't forget to include the UID.
String ok_rfid_1="89189c99"; // This is for my main RFID Card. aka. The one I will be using to turn on my PC. Can also be used to shut it down if you want to.
String ok_rfid_2="29d93594"; // This is for the RFID Keyfob. aka. Shutdown Keyfob. Not advisable tho. Just shutdown your PC normally.
int led_lock = 7; // For the Card.
int led_lock2 = 6; // For the Keyfob.
* Initialize.
int noteDurations[] = {
4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
The code
const int buzzer =6;
#define RST_PIN 9 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN 10 // Configurable, see typical pin layout abov
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance.
String read_rfid; // Add how many you need and don't forget to include the UID.
String ok_rfid_1="89189c99"; // This is for my main RFID Card. aka. The one I will be using to turn on my PC. Can also be used to shut it down if you want to.
String ok_rfid_2="29d93594"; // This is for the RFID Keyfob. aka. Shutdown Keyfob. Not advisable tho. Just shutdown your PC normally.
int led_lock = 7; // For the Card.
int led_lock2 = 6; // For the Keyfob.
* Initialize.
int noteDurations[] = {
4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC