RFID Housing

by RFID38001 in Circuits > Arduino

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RFID Housing


Bill of Materials

  1. Silicone Wristband - $7.99
  2. RFID Kit - $7.99
    1. It is possible to buy cheaper versions if you are willing to solder it yourself. This will require a soldier kit
  3. Arduino Uno - $22.77
  4. Breadboard Kit - $13.99

Total cost - $52.74


  1. BOM
  2. Laptop with USB port
  3. Cardboard box
    1. The cardboard box can be purchased on Amazon or reused from any box big enough
    2. In the project files, there is a pattern that can be printed and used to cut the cardboard with the proper dimensions. There are ones with and without dashed lines and should be printed at 100% size for the most appropriate box size

Required project files

Project Files can be downloaded here

The Arduino IDE Program can be downloaded here

RFID Reader Wire Connection

Screenshot 2022-04-27 211450.jpg
  1. Wire the RFID reader to the Arduino [3]
    1. Refer to the picture to confirm the wiring of the RFID to the Arduino Uno
      1. PIN 13 to SCK
      2. PIN 12 to MISO
      3. PIN 11 to MOSI
      4. PIN 10 to SDA
      5. PIN 9 to RST
      6. 3.3 V pin goes to the 3.3 V
      7. Ground pin goes to the ground
    2. Connect the Arduino controller to your computer with the USB power cable

Breadboard Wire Connection

ECET RFID System Layout_bb.jpg
ECET RFID System Layout_schem.jpg
ECET RFID System Layout_pcb.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 212041.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 211803.jpg

Background information on breadboards

  1. The breadboard does not need to be wired exactly like the circuit seen in the first picture.
    1. The top and bottom two rows on the breadboard are known as the buses
      1. These are all connected to every opening on the same row
    2. The middle two sections of the breadboard are known as terminal strips
      1. These are all connected to every opening on the same column
    3. This means the items on the breadboard could be more spread apart, moved down/up the breadboard as long as the proper connections are maintained

RFID Housing Breadboard connections

  1. Wire the breadboard to the Arduino controller as indicated in the figures
    1. PIN 6 to Red LED's resistor
    2. PIN 5 to Green LED's resistor
    3. Resistor to long LED node
    4. Short LED node to the ground bus - the top row on the breadboard

Writing the Code

Screenshot 2022-04-27 214329.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 211550.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 214628.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 211645.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 211719.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 214353.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-27 214418.jpg
  1. To create an RFID housing that will inform the user when an authorized RFID is being scanned the code must look like the flowchart seen in the first photo [4]
  2. Coding the RFID scanner is a difficult task, especially for beginners.
    1. Instead, download the library found in the project file folder named "rfid-master.zip", written by miguelbalboa, which includes the test code
    2. Once downloaded and unzipped, move the folder into the libraries folder of the Arduino folder as seen in the second picture
    3. Open up Arduino IDE
      1. If the Arduino program was already running before the RFID library was added, the program needs to be restarted
      2. Go to the File tab on the top left of the program, then the MFRC522 tab at the very bottom, then click on “DumpInfo” as seen in the third picture.
        1. This will open the test program for the RFID scanner
      3. Click on the checkmark and then the arrow right next to it, this should compile and upload the code onto Arduino
        1. If you haven’t selected the correct COM for the Arduino, a window will pop up prompting you to select the proper COM port.
      4. Open the serial monitor with the magnifying glass on the top left of the program
        1. If the program was properly uploaded onto your Uno and the RFID scanner is being read your serial monitor should look something like the fourth picture
      5. Bring the RFID tag to the scanner
      6. The tag should be read within a distance of less than 10 cm
        1. The serial monitor should now look something like the fifth picture
      7. The RFID tag can be seen in the line first new line next to “Card UID”
        1. In this case, the tag was 11 4B E6 1D
        2. These are hex code values of the RFID tag - remember/copy yours
  3. Writing the new code
    1. You can attempt to write the code yourself by referencing the ReadNUID code in the RFID library
    2. The code can also be found in the project folder in the "Arduino.zip" file and seen in the second and third photo
      1. The code has been commented and where it has been specified the RFID tag value should be replaced with yours
  4. Testing the new code
    1. When the new code is running, the red LED should remain on while the green LED is turned off
    2. When the RFID tag is brought to the scanner, the result should output to the serial monitor
      1. If it is the right tag
        1. The green LED should turn on and the red LED should turn off.
      2. If it is the wrong tag
        1. The Red LED should blink
      3. There is a 3-second wait
      4. The green LED should turn off and the red LED should turn back on

Assemble Wristband

  1. Assemble RFID tag to wristband by threading on the split key ring [2]

Cardboard Cutouts

  1. Using the printed pattern cut out the appropriate cardboard pieces
  2. Notice labels on the patterns

Assemble Side Panels

  1. Tape the panels labeled “Side” to the long edges of the “Base” panel

Assemble Back Panel

  1. Tape the panel labeled “Back” to a short edge of the “Base” panel

Assemble Front Panel

  1. Tape the panel labeled “Front” to the remaining short edge of the “Base” panel

Assembled Housing Construct

  1. Fold the four sides of the box inward and tape the sides at 90 degrees
  2. Tape the panel labeled “Top” to one of the “Side” panels so that the top lid can fold back and forth

Integrate Electrical Components Into Housing

  1. Place the breadboard into the front right corner of the housing
  2. Place the Arduino controller in the front left corner of the housing
    1. The power cable feeds through the opening in the “back” panel of the housing
    2. Ensure that the LEDs are aligned with the holes in the side of the housing to provide adequate protrusion for working indication
    3. Breadboard is turned sideways for LEDs to protrude out the "Side" panel

Assemble RFID Reader

  1. Tape RFID reader to the “top” lid of the housing that is closest to the fold

RFID Reading

  1. Close the lid
    1. Hold RFID Tag up to RFID Reader located under housing lid
    2. Red light will turn off for 3 seconds
    3. Green light will turn on for 3 seconds

RFID Operating Video

RFID Operating Video

Future Directions and Citations

Future Directions

  1. Use cabled to move the LEDs to the top of the box
  2. Add in a locking mechanism with a servo motor
  3. Move the code to function with the EEPROM for greater security


[1] A. Balboa, “miguelbalboa/rfid,” GitHub, May 31, 2020. https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid

[2] J. J. Pedicano, “Stretchable wristband with RFID chip,” 22-May-2012.

[3] E. Odunlade, “Microcontroller vs PLC: A detailed comparison,” Circuit Digest, 03-Oct-2018. [Online]. Available: https://circuitdigest.com/article/microcontroller... [Accessed: 31-Mar-2022]

[4] “Different types of RFID systems,” Different. [Online]. Available: https://www.impinj.com/products/technology/how-can-rfid-systems-be-categorized. [Accessed: 25-Feb-2022].