RF Energy Capture

Energy is getting consume at a faster rate than it is produced. So, energy conservation is a need. This circuit focuses on capturing free energy .i.e radio frequency energy coming from Wifi routers, Bluetooth etc.
A part of energy is always lost during wireless communication. So its a try to capture such energy, store in a capacitor to power up low power devices.
RF is itself a low energy signal so, the captured output is gonna be low and keep varying depending on the environment.
Capacitors: 470 micro farad, 25V
1 micro farad, 50V
Zener diode: 1N4148
Jumper wire- FM (for antenna)
Copper wire (SWG26)
Gather the Materials

Gather all the materials required for the circuit.
Rig Up the Circuit

Rig up the circuit as shown in the figure.
Radio frequency alternating current is fed to charge the capacitors, the diodes allow current to drain in one direction only.
A jumper wire is used for antenna. And later 2 meter copper wire is attached to antenna to increase it's capturing ability.
Naked Circuit

I have done naked circuit as it's simple to do.
You can use perforated boards too.

We first used multimeter to measure the DC output.
It was around 174mV.
The output is very low as RF itself is a low energy signal and it also depends on environment.
Using Oscilloscope

After some time the output was checked using Digital Oscilloscope.
As shown in the image we got around 6.71V which is quite good.
Note: As previously mentioned the output keeps varying and there's never a stable output.
To Rig Up the Circuit Follow This Video

This was done as a part of my internship at Workbench Projects, Bangalore along with my co-intern Ms. Harshitha.