Quit and Restore Pages

My name is Carrie Huang, and today I'm going to show you how easy it is to restore a Google page with just one button. I mistakenly deleted a very valuable page on Google over the weekend and was unable to recover it. As a result, I enlisted the help of my sister and others, but no one knows how to restore the website. Then, I search on Google for help. Finally, I found out how to restore the page. I know how worried and anxious people will be if a significant page is deleted; consequently, I am going to solve this problem by using one bottom to quit and restore the page.
The difference between my design and the original is that the author only used a button to close a tab; however, I used buttons to solve the issue of missing an important page and not being able to recover it. The left-hand button closes a tab, while the right-hand button restores it.
The inspiration and the coding come from this website: https://www.instructables.com/Easy-Zoom-Quit-Butt...
Prepare Materials

You'll need the following materials for this project:
1: Black Button (x2)
2: Arduino uno (x1)
3: Arduino USB Cable (x1)
4: Breadboard (x1)
5: 50pcs 10 ohm Resistor (x2)
6: wires (x12)
1: cardboard (21x14)
2: Utility knife (x2)
3: hot glue gun (x1)
Design the Box

1.Cut the cardboard to the following dimensions:
The box's top and bottom covers measure 21 x 13 cm.
The front and back sides measure 21x7.5 cm.
The dimensions of the left and right sides are 12x7.5 cm.
2. Stick all the sides together with a glue gun except the top cover.
3. Count 10cm from the left to the middle and count 10cm from the right to the middle and make a mark.
4. Make a mark at 4cm on both sides.
5. Draw a circle with a diameter of three centimeters on the right and left.
6. Use the utility knife to cut down the circles.
7. Insert the buttons through the holes.
8. Place the Arduino UNO into the box.
9. Draw a Quit on the left and draw a Restore on the right.
10. Cut a small square on the back of the box so the USA cable can go through the box.
11. Use the hot glue gun to side the top cover on to the box
The Circuit

Look at the circuit above:
1. Connect the quit button to D2
2. Connect the restore button to D3
3. Use 2 50pcs 10-ohm Resistor
-one side of it is connected to the negative
- Another side is connected to the button and D2 or D3

Upload the following code to the board:
Final Product

This is how my project works. When you push the QUIT button, the page you are on will quit. When you want to restore the page, you only need to press the button on the right side, then the page will return.