Quilled Paper Jewelry

So in an effort for mother's day gifts, I tried to make an assortment of paper jewelry for my mother (I know, i know, pretty cheap, but she still says she loves it when I make her things). While trying different things, I tried paper quilling. I really liked the look of the tight circles and the almost 70s look to the jewelry (which is her generation).

To do this project, you need a paper quilling tool (about 3 dollars at AC Moore), and paper quilling paper. Choose the paper according to your color scheme. If you like the jewelry, it may make a nice wedding party set for the bridesmaids, if they match the color scheme. You don't technically need the paper quilling tool, but it is slotted so it makes the process easier.
Cut the strips of paper according to how wide you want each section of the circle to be. Experiment to see what you like. If you are making earrings, this is the time to plan ahead and cut the strips to the same length for each earring.
Getting Started

Take you piece of paper and stick one end in the slot of your tool. Start turning the tool so that the paper wraps tightly in a circle. Try to keep the paper wrapping evenly over itself. Once you come to the end of the strip, put a tiny drop of glue on tip and roll it tight. Hold the paper tight for twenty seconds.

Now pick you next color. Put a tiny drop of glue on the end and glue it to the outside of the circle you already made (try to match it to the end of the last strip to reduce holes in you circle). Repeat this process with as many colors as you like until you feel the circle looks good. Glue the last tip to the circle and hold for twenty seconds. Then gently pull the whole circle off the tool.
Press It

I pressed each side of the circle a few times to make it as even as possible.
Hardware Loop

For each piece of jewelry (except rings) cut a small (about 2 inches) section and roll it tight.

Gluing Pieces Together

Take the pieces and arrange them as you like. Then glue the hoop ring to the top of the piece. I made sure to glue where the paper ended on each piece to cover up the end.
Arrange Color and Sizes

These are more complicated, but fun. Just pick a color scheme and make a bunch of circles. Arrange them as you like and glue them together. Put the tiny loop piece on last. As you can see on the earrings, I turned them on their sides to make the hardware easier to put on.
Hardware and Finishing

Slip a metal loop into the tiny hoop circle, using needle nose pliers. The metal loops can jewelry hardware can be bought at any craft store.
Lastly, and I didn't take pictures of this, I coated the entire thing in multiple layers of clear nail polish to seal it and make it firmer. The more coats you add, the smoother the item looks on the face.

Just to experiment, I make a loop by rolling the paper on a wine cork (and adding a tiny drop of glue each rotation). I then glued a circle onto the top of it and sealed it with nail polish. This would not likely last very long, but it was cute and matched the set.