Today we write with computer keyboards and stylus. Some people still with a pen. Long before the pen and pencil there was the quill and ink and before that chisels and stylus (hummmm).
Lets Make History
To make a quill you need a feather one from a larger bird. I used a turkey feather but any large wing feather will do. Check to be sure that the feather feels good in your hand as a writing implement.
Cut the End
Now you will need to cut the end off with a sharp knife some where between a 25 and 45 degree angle.
Clean Out the Stuff and Cut Your Nib
With a pin or something thin pull out or push in the stuff. Next cut a slit on the end with a small hole at the top. There is different ways to cut the nib for calligraphy or drawing but for this I am doing a basic writing quill.
My Little Helper
she's making something usually a mess but she is learning
Getting a Grip
For the grip I use waxed linen and tie it in half hitch knots up the shaft of the feather from an inch or so from the tip to where the feather starts.
Done Time to Write
That it very easy and very classical. Now go out and write a fancy declaration, decree or some other fancy paper.
Need a paint brush here is how to make one