Quick Start Guide ESP-C3-12F

This guide explains how to setup the Arduino IDE to program the NodeMCU-ESP-C3-12F-Kit.

NodeMCU-ESP-C3-12F-Kit, available from Banggood: (https://www.banggood.com/3PCS-Ai-Thinker-ESP-C3-12F-Kit)
USB cable with micro USB connector
Configure the Arduino IDE - References

Click [File] – [Preferences].
Click the button to add an additional board manager.
Add the following line:
Configure the Arduino IDE - Board Manager

Click [Tools] – [Board: xxxxx] – [Board manager].
In the search-box, enter “esp32”.
Click on the [Install] button for the esp32 from Espressif Systems.
Restart the Arduino IDE.
Configure the Arduino IDE - Select Board

Click [Tools] – [Board: xxxx] – [Arduino ESP32] and select “ESP32C3 Dev Module”.
Click [Tools] – [Port: COMx] and select the communication port belonging to the module.
Click [Tools] – [Upload Speed: 921600] and change to 115200.
Leave the other settings as they are.
Serial Monitor

Starting the monitor will result in the board to be unresponsive. This is due to the CTS and RTS levels of the serial interface. Disabling the control lines prevents the board to become unresponsive. Edit the file “boards.txt” from the definition of the board. The file is located in the following directory, where xxxxx is the user name: “C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.2”
To get to this location, click on the “Preferences” to open the file explorer, then click trough to the above location.
Change the following lines (lines 35 and 36):
Load/create a Sketch

Create a new sketch, or select a sketch from the examples:
Click [File] – [Examples] – [WiFi] – [WiFiScan].
Upload the Sketch

Before the upload starts, push the “Boot” button and keep it down. Push and hold the “Reset” button. Release the “Boot” button. Release the “Reset” button. This sets the board in programming mode. Check for the board to be ready from the serial monitor: the message “waiting for download” should be displayed.
Click [Sketch] – [Upload] to upload the sketch.