Quick Easy Speaker Amp

Create a fully functional speaker with parts from around ur house.

For this project you need:
A Box(the larger the better)
solder and a soldering gun
an old cd that you dont plan to reuse
a head phone speaker(this project amplifies the small sound)
a head phone jack
A Box(the larger the better)
solder and a soldering gun
an old cd that you dont plan to reuse
a head phone speaker(this project amplifies the small sound)
a head phone jack

Cut a hole in the box

Tape the cd over the hole so the center hole of the cd is in the center of the box.
Soldering (skip This Step If Cord Is Already Attatched to Speaker)

Solder the red to the left and the white to the right
Finishing Up

finally you tape the speaker over the cd hole and plug in