print ("This program will calculate the volume of a cylinder.")
import math
# Formula for the volume of cylinder:
# Volume of cylinder = [(math.pi) * (radius**2) * height]
# 1 function: solve for volume
# Function to solve for volume
# Solve for volume: enter radius and height
# Volume of cylinder = [(math.pi) * (radius**2) * height]
def SolveForVolumeCylinder():
print ("Solving for volume of a cylinder")
# The pi variable is coming from Python's constant: math.pi
pi = math.pi
Radius = float(input("Enter the radius of the cylinder: ") )
Height = float(input("Enter the height of the cylinder: ") )
VolumeCylinder = ( (pi) * (Radius**2) * Height)
print("The volume of the cylinder is:", VolumeCylinder)
ContinueCalculations = "y"
# Check to see if the user wants to continue to calculate volume of cylinder
while (ContinueCalculations=="y"):
ContinueCalculations = input("Would like to do another calculation for the volume of a cylinder (y/n): ")
print ("Thank you to for information on this formula.")