Python - Solar Cell Current Delivered by Illuminated Diode

by matt392 in Circuits > Software

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Python - Solar Cell Current Delivered by Illuminated Diode


Code to calculate current delivered by an illuminated diode from a solar cell.
Includes PDF diagram of how the program broke the equation down into parts for calculation.
Python code is attached and below.

print ("This program will calculate solar cell current delivered by illuminated diode.")

import math
from decimal import Decimal

#  Formula for calculating the solar cell current delivered by illuminated diode:
#  SolarCellCurrent = (GreatestCurrent - ReverseSaturationCurrent) *
# ((EulersNumber**((ElementaryCharge*Voltage)/((IdealityFactor*BoltzmannConstant)*AbsoluteTemp))) - 1)

# 1 function: solve for the solar cell current delivered by illuminated diode
# Enter the GreatestCurrent, ReverseSaturationCurrent, Voltage, IdealityFactor, AbsoluteTemp
# Constants: Euler's Number: math.e
# ElementaryCharge: (1.60217662*(10**-19))
# BoltzmannConstant: (1.38064852*(10**-23))

def SolveForSolarCellCurrent():
        print ("Solving for the solar cell current.")

	# Enter the GreatestCurrent, ReverseSaturationCurrent, Voltage, IdealityFactor, AbsoluteTemp
        GreatestCurrent = float(input("Enter the greatest current: ") )
        ReverseSaturationCurrent = float(input("Enter the reverse saturation current: ") )
        Voltage = float(input("Enter the voltage: ") )
        IdealityFactor = float(input("Enter the ideality factor: ") )
        AbsoluteTemp = float(input("Enter the absolute temperature: ") )
        print("Euler's number is: ", math.e)
        ElementaryCharge = (1.60217662*(10**-19))
        print ("The elementary charge is: ", ElementaryCharge)
        BoltzmannConstant = (1.38064852*(10**-23))
        print ("The Boltzmann Constant is: ", BoltzmannConstant)

	# Get difference in current
        CurrentDifference = (GreatestCurrent - ReverseSaturationCurrent)
        print ("The current difference is: ", CurrentDifference)

	# Calculate top of fraction
        ElementaryChargeTimesVoltage = float(ElementaryCharge * Voltage)
        print ("The elementary charge times voltage: ", ElementaryChargeTimesVoltage)

	# Calculate the bottom of fraction
        IdealityTimesBoltzmann = float(IdealityFactor*BoltzmannConstant)
        print("The ideality times Boltzmann is: ", IdealityTimesBoltzmann)
        IdealityTimesBoltzmannTimesTemp = float(IdealityTimesBoltzmann * AbsoluteTemp)
        print ("Ideality times Boltzmann times temp is: ", IdealityTimesBoltzmannTimesTemp) 

	# Divide fraction
        ElementaryDividedIdealityBoltzmann = float(ElementaryChargeTimesVoltage/IdealityTimesBoltzmannTimesTemp)
        print ("Elementary divided by IdealityBoltzmann: ", ElementaryDividedIdealityBoltzmann)

	# Euler's Number to power
        EulersNumberToPower = float((math.e)**ElementaryDividedIdealityBoltzmann)
        print ("Euler's number to power: ", EulersNumberToPower)

	# Subtract 1
        EulersNumberToPowerMinusOne = EulersNumberToPower - 1

        #  Multiply by current difference
        SolarCellCurrent = CurrentDifference * EulersNumberToPowerMinusOne

        print("The solar cell current is: ", SolarCellCurrent)

ContinueCalculations = "y"

# Check to see if the user wants to continue to calculate the solar cell current
while (ContinueCalculations=="y"):
    ContinueCalculations = input("Would like to do another calculation for the solar cell current? (y/n): ")

print ("Thank you to for assistance with this formula.")