Python Greeting System
This tutorial will teach people how to create a home system that will greet people when they come near the sensor. This will happens by having a distance sensor detect when a person comes approximately 30 cm near the sensor. Once this happens the LCD will display hello to the visitor and a green light will turn on.
What You'll Need
3 x 330 ohms resistor
2 x 100 ohms resistor
1 x 550 ohms resistor
1 x Ultra Sonic Distance Sensor
1 x LCD Display
Connect the Distance Sensor
1. Connect VCC to 5v power
2.Connect the GND to ground
3.Connect the TRIG to GPIO 21
4.Connect the ECHO to a 330 ohms resistor which is connected to a 500 ohms resistor that is connected to ground. The 500 ohms resistor should also be connected to GPIO 20
Connect RGB LED
1. Connect the first leg to 100 ohms resistor which is connected to GPIO 26
2. Connect the second leg to a 100 ohms resistor which is connected to GPIO 19
3.Connect the longest leg to 5 V power
4.Connect the last leg to a 330 ohms resistor which is connected to GPIO 13
Connect LCD
1. Connect the VCC to 5 V power
2. Connect the GND to ground
3. Connect the SND to the SND pin on the Pi
4. Connect the SCL to the SCL pin on the Pi