Puppy Adventure Box

by morganmcronan17 in Living > Pets

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Puppy Adventure Box


How to Create a Puppy Adventure Box

A Puppy Adventure Box is a simple DIY project that can be used as a great method of enrichment for young puppies. Exposure to new things is important for puppies, and an Adventure Box is the perfect way to introduce foreign objects in a playful manner. These instructions will show you what you need, and how to build a Puppy Adventure Box, and explain the benefits for your animal.

This is an easy project for any puppy owner to create, with the only expertise needed being the ability to use a drill. The entire project should only take a few hours, including shopping for the necessary supplies. The Adventure Box is easy to put together, and take apart for moving and/or storage needs.


Supplies Needed for Frame

Twelve pieces of 1” PVC pipe cut into equal lengths (24” standard)

Eight 1” PVC 90 Degree Elbow Fittings

Electric Drill with a ¼” and ⅛” drill bit

PVC Pipe Cutter


Scissors/Box Cutter

Tape Measure

Zip Ties

Supplies Needed for Enrichment

(Amounts depend on how much you want to hang on the box)

Metal or plastic empty paint cans

Spool of String

Nails/Other small metallic items to put in paint can

Carabiners (At least four per side)

Rubber Hose

Plastic Joint Knives

These are just a few examples of things you can hang for enrichment. Anything safe for your puppy to play with can be used. Try to have a variety of textures, sounds, and colors for best results. All of the supplies can be found at your local home improvement store or the dollar store.

How to Create the Frame

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Project 2 Video Instructions

How to Create the Frame

  1. Cut your pipe into equal segments of about 24” using the PVC Pipe Cutter. Home improvement stores may be able to do this step for you.
  2. Using your sharpie and tape measure, measure out and mark four equal lengths along four of the PVC pipe segments to indicate where you will drill your holes.
  3. Using the ⅛” drill bit, and help from someone to hold the pipe down, drill pilot holes, which are just small starting holes to make the final drilling process easier, on your markings.
  4. Using the ¼” drill bit, continue drilling in these holes to make them large enough for your zip ties.
  5. Lay four of the undrilled PVC segments on the ground, connecting them with the elbow fittings, making sure one of the fitting holes is facing upward.
  6. With the four drilled segments, repeat step 5, but ensure the unused fitting hole faces downward.
  7. Using the final four undrilled segments of PVC, place one pipe in each of the open fitting holes of the elbow fittings attached to the undrilled PVC pipe.
  8. Finally, take the four connected drilled segments of PVC pipe, and connect the open elbow fittings onto the tops of the segments placed in step 7, completing the cubic shape.

How to Prepare Items for Enrichment


How to Prepare Items for Enrichment

  1. On the four pieces of pipe that have holes drilled, string one zip tie through each hole, closing the zip tie with enough space to create a small loop.
  2. Decide what items you want to use for enrichment, and use your drill to create a hole in them, if the item doesn’t already have one.
    1. If using a paint can, drill a hole through the lid and the bottom so you are able to put the string through it to hang.
  3. Measure out enough string so that the item will hang from the box enough to swing without hitting the ground, and loop it through your items, securing it with a knot. No specific length is needed.
  4. On the other end of the string, create another loop secured with a knot, and connect your carabiner to it.
  5. With your items secured to the string and the carabiner, take the carabiners and hook them onto the zip ties that are already looped through your pipes.
  6. To switch out the items, simply disconnect the hanging item from the carabiner, and attach the new one you would like to introduce.

How to Introduce a Puppy to the Adventure Box

How to Introduce a Puppy to the Adventure Box

The best time to introduce a puppy to an adventure box is before they reach 5 weeks of age, as this is the time they will approach objects without caution. You will want to introduce them slowly, rewarding them with a “Yes” and/or a treat every time they interact with the box. You will want to begin with less items that don’t produce a lot of noise (I.e. plastic cups, rubber hose, etc.) so they don’t get scared right off the bat. As the continue interacting, you can switch these out with more adventurous items like paint cans with screws inside that will produce a lot of noise. Eventually, they will be excited to play with the box and go right for it without any incentives.

Using a Puppy Adventure Box allows you to introduce things to your pet that they may not necessarily be exposed to in their daily life. This allows them to become more confident in themselves, lessening anxieties and adverse behaviors as they age. Further, the frequent introduction of new items at such a young age allows their minds to expand and gain complexity, increasing their mental capacity as they age.