Pulley (Lifting Machine)

This Simple Machine is the central idea of what we call a pulley, it uses a wheel and rope mechanism in order to lift objects up off the ground. The pulley creation shown in the pictures above is a miniature replica of machines that are used everyday and is made out of common household items allowing you to be able to create it yourself!!! below I'll show you my step by step process of how I made it as well as listing each material needed.
Materials: (All exact measurements in inches will be shown in the picture presented for the first step)
- Cardboard and scissors to cut with
- string
- double sided tape
- Paint (optional)
- 3 tooth pics
- 3 small plastic tubes (straws work)
- hole puncher or anything that will allow you to puncture holes
- small wooden stick-like handle piece
Material Layout

Gather all your materials and find a nice clean space to start working!!! All the materials were listed above and the exact measurements are shown in the current picture. Lets get started!

This is not a mandatory step but If you would like, you can paint most or all of your cut out cardboard pieces for decor and looks. You can even paint after you finish the project if you would prefer that!
Start the Building Process

Your gonna start off by taping together structure pieces! First take your two 3 1/4 by 4 1/2 inch pieced with the corner cut off and tape them together with your double sided tape. Make sure you tape them together correctly like shown in the picture and with the painted (sides you want being shown) sides facing outwards. Then you will take your two 1 by 4 1/2 Inch pieces and tape them to the bottom of the previous piece you had just taped together and make sure you don't tape it at the top where the cut corner is. This will allow it to be sturdy when you tape it to the base later on.
Make Jib

On a typical crane we call the long extended part the jib. This next step you are going to take your 1 1/2 by 5 inch pieces of cardboard and tape them together and tape your 1 1/2 by 2 inch pieces together as well. After that you will take your longest pieces and sandwich the two pieces you just tapes together. Make sure that you leave a gaped area at the bottom of the long pieces and use the pictures to help further guide you on where you put each exact piece. When you finish you are done making the jib!
Attach Your Main Structure Pieces to Complete Structure

Now put small amount of tape on each side of the cut corner area and use that gap to perfectly slip it on the larger cardboard piece. Now you will have a crane-like structure to work with!
Puncture Holes and Attach Structure to Base

Take a tack and create holes that will allow you to slip toothpicks through. Where you place the holes is shown in the current pictures above. Your base will be your largest piece of cardboard which will allow you to tape the structure on. That being said, tape the structure to the middle of the base and make sure it doesn't have the ability to easily come off whatsoever.
Placing Toothpicks and Spindles

Your almost done! place a toothpick in each hole that you created. Then make Spindles by taking your cardboard circles and making holes so that you can put them on each side of all 3 of your plastic tubes or straw pieces. once you finish all 3 spindles place each one on a toothpick. You will notice that the spindles are able to spin on the toothpicks. don't forget to tape your mini wooden handle piece on one of the spindles and place it on the lowest toothpick on the structure.
String Time

Now that you have your spindles on it's time to attach string. Start by taping it to the straw piece of the spindle with the mini wooden handle on it and wrap it around about 5-6 times. Then stretch it over to the second one and wrap it around once and then reach it over the last spindle at the top and don't wrap it just let it dangle over. take your last cardboard piece which is your 3 1/4 by 3 1/4 inch cardboard piece and poke a hole in each corner of the cardboard. tie a string in each hole (double not) and make sure it long enough. You will then tie each sting to the middle and then ties the hanging cardboard piece to the one connected to the structure so that it will dangle and be able to lift things. Then your finally done!!! when turning the handle the cardboard will lift what you put on it.