Proudly Illuminate Your Diploma

Let's do something special with your diploma. Don't just hide it in your closet but put it on a wall. Illuminate it in a way to make you proud! Graduation is something to be proud of!
You need:
Lipo cells, I used 2 battery packs, each pack: 3.7V 1.2Wh
LEDS: Leds for license plate
LDR : GL5506 ( or any other type will do)
Mosfet: SPA04N80C3 ( that's what I had in stock but almost any N channel mosfet will do)
Potmeter of 20K ( If you have another ..try, it might work fine)
A wooden board and the Lasered acrylic plate with your info
Make Space

First, you need to cut out some space at the back of your wooden plaque. Two battery packs and some small electronics will be placed there later
Engrave Your Plate

You have to engrave an acrylic plate. Everything that is engraved will stick out optically later.
Place and Wire Up Your Electronics

You can use the schematic to wire all up properly.
Once everything is tested, you should fill up the gaps with resin.
Make sure that the lipo charger is right for your battery packs. Because of the cheap price for this lipo charger, I didn't design my own PCB but if I had, I would have used They make great boards at a good price. Check it out at
I also added a on/off switch and placed it next to the USB from the charger. That way I can switch it of and on.
The circuit includes a LDR and with the potmeter, you can adjust just when the illumination kicks in.