Protein Bread

There can be many reasons for eating bread with more protein and less carbohydrates,
like training or diets, and an easy way to acquire this
is to substitute a part of the flour with beans, peas, lentils or chickpeas.
Then you can add eggs, cheese etc, but I chose yogurt this time.
As bean bread has less breadish taste, I like to add some spices, malt and seeds too.
Less patient people will find a 1-hour version at the end.
Recent Mix

I use to vary ingredients from time to time, and in this batch they are
Rye flour
Wheat flour
Sea salt
Malt syrup

Not necessary, you can use yeast or baking powder, but I prefer to let the dough develop slowly.
Take it out of the fridge, feed it and let it rest over night.

Rinse a can of chickpeas and transfer to your mixing bowl.

Add a cup of sourdough, half a cup of yogurt, a tablespoon salt,
two tablespoons of syrup, some yeast and caraway or other spices.

Chickpeas are easy to disintegrate, so this is a quick step

Add a cup of rye flour and a cup of wheat flour and mix with a spoon.

Empty the dough on a board with some wheat flour on.
You don't have to knead it, just make a roll.

Cut the roll in slices and transfer to an oiled plate,
cover and let it rest 8 hours.

If you like seeds, wet the surface of the bread with milk and add what you prefer.
I used sesame seeds.
Bake at 400˚F for half an hour.
These are my favorites so far, but for those who are impatient,
here is a quick bean bread, less than an hour:
! can of beans
3 eggs
2 tablespoons psyllium husk
2 tablespoons baking powder
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Rinse the beans, mix all ingredients, let rest 5 min and roll 6 balls.
Bake at 400˚F for half an hour.