Prosthetic Nose

For this project, I had decided to make a 3d printed prosthetic nose base, and then model draping the base, for cancer patients with lost noses, and even just for prosthetic use.

Day 1: Today I decided to start working on a 3d model of a nose prosthetic for cancer patients/people with traumatic nose problems (can be applied for Halloween costume). I first started with a reference of a human skull and drew an overlay of the bone of where the nose would be. I then drew a border surrounding it which would fit the nose. After that, I made a base of hexagons for the nose for stability purposes.

Day 2: Today I worked on offsetting the support of the prosthetic nose, running into multiple problems due to the constraints on the hexagons, such as problems with trimming, and the direct offsettings of the hexagons.

Day 3: Today since i couldn’t get inventor to work correctly, I decided to make a sketch for the nose prosthetic on autocad for efficiency purposes, getting the most of the sketch done, except for some of the trimmings.

Day 4: Today I decided to redo the sketch for the nose prosthetic in inventor, and was successful with the base sketch, extruding and filleting it for reference, finally having the base for this project done.

Day 5: Today I finished up the base for the prosthetic nose, adding an area it can latch to, adding some extra features, and actually beginning the process for the nose, making the sketch, extrusions, and other aspects.

Day 6: Today I just worked on some fillets for the prosthetic nose, and some scaling. …

Day 7: Printing today, going to update model so a silicon nose would drape over the nose (just making the structure for that so it would not look like a nose)

Day 8: Today I have decided to not make the 3d printed nose realistic, but as an area to actually drape the silicon mold onto, so that it is secure, and acts as a strong base, as cartilage would.

Day 9: Today I worked on some finishing touches for the prosthetic nose, and finally ended up printing the prosthetic nose base.

Today everything was printed, all that was needed to be added was the silicone nose, finishing this project.