Project LUMAX: Resilient Lunar Habitation

by rocky_jtq in Workshop > Science

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Project LUMAX: Resilient Lunar Habitation

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Hey, I'm Rocky, a rising sophomore at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, VA. I run our school's Aerospace Club and have worked on numerous projects with Autodesk Fusion, 3D printing, and scale modeling. I created a radio-controlled ship model, and I'm also building a 3D printer for our school's makerspace. Photography and graphic design have been my long-time interests, and I strive to integrate the arts with my strong passion for engineering.

As an aerospace enthusiast, I am excited about the new chapter of space exploration under NASA's Artemis Program. This project allows me to utilize my engineering, CAD, and model-making skills to design and construct a versatile habitat to establish a resilient long-term presence on the Moon. My concept aims to drive scientific innovation by allowing us to study our nearest neighbor in space while enabling human wellbeing in conditions vastly different from that of Earth. Through this undertaking, I hope to contribute to the exploration of new worlds and the betterment of our own.

This instructable covers the design process from start to finish. It features the following topics in order: research, brainstorming, 3D design, presentation, and physical prototype.




  • Fusion (Autodesk)
  • Cura (UltiMaker)
  • Affinity Designer (Serif)

I used these applications on my laptop for various stages of the design process. Fusion's parametric design history capability allows for adjustments and features to be made back in time (free educational license for students). Fusion is also a powerful tool for creating drawings, renders, and animations. Cura is a versatile slicer for configuring 3D prints. Affinity Designer is used as a graphics editor to create specifications and schematics.

The supplies for creating the physical prototype are listed later.

Background Explanation


With NASA's Artemis Program, the challenge of lunar habitation returns to the foreground of human space exploration. The launch of Artemis 1 in 2022 begins the first step toward achieving a continued presence on the Moon. With the ultimate goal of "scientific discovery, economic benefits, and inspiration for a new generation," NASA has planned several upcoming missions with the SLS Moon rocket, which would carry astronauts to the Moon for the first time since 1972. It is truly an exciting time for space exploration.

Thanks to the pre-staging of support equipment and infrastructure, future Artemis missions will stay on the surface for weeks at a time. This enables extensive exploration and experiments while testing long-term habitation in another world. Hence, astronauts need a home to live and work on the Moon. A lunar habitat would fulfill many functions necessary for dwelling and scientific operations for an extended period.


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What function does a lunar habitat serve? How is it delivered to the surface? These are questions that are essential to designing a home on the Moon. To explore ideas and technology for lunar habitation, I accessed NASA's Technical Reports Server. Under the organization's STI Program, this site holds a database of aerospace-related research papers and information. I explored several reports that addressed lunar habitation, spacecraft interiors, and mating ports. This provided insight into NASA's goals for planetary exploration and the new technologies being developed to establish a long-term presence on the Moon. With a comprehensive understanding of the topic, I could now begin brainstorming.

Site Selection


Several locations near the lunar South Pole have been identified as potential landing sites for Artemis III. According to NASA, the optimal landing site should have flat terrain, sunlight exposure, and easy communication with Earth. Future lunar missions will be focused on exploring the polar regions of the Moon. The surface habitat will be deployed in close proximity to those locations for direct access.

The lunar South Pole has various unique attributes that make it ideal for human exploration. Craters near Polar areas are permanently shadowed, which is why scientists consider them as the oldest parts of the Moon. These sites provide unique opportunities for the crew to investigate previously unstudied materials and unexplored terrain. The polar regions also receive extended periods of sunlight illumination, which is critical for power generation and long-duration operations. Furthermore, high concentrations of water ice have been found near the lunar South Pole. This valuable resource can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen to be utilized on-site for support systems and fuel.

Extreme Environment


The barren conditions present on the moon are extreme beyond doubt. Astronauts need to be protected from the harsh elements of space through innovative design. The lunar habitat will incorporate features that ensure astronaut wellbeing in spite of these challenges. It will also adapt to the moon's 1/6th of Earth's gravity and lack of an atmosphere.

  1. Extreme temperatures necessitate advanced thermal control and material engineering. Lunar surface temperatures range from as low as -153°c to as high as 107°c. Both astronauts and sensitive equipment need to be kept at safe temperatures.
  2. Solar/cosmic radiation is a major threat to astronaut safety. The moon has no protection from incoming solar flares and other types of radiation, so shelters must have sufficient shielding. This radiation can cause significant damage to human tissue and DNA.
  3. Meteorites and other debris frequently hit the lunar surface due to the moon not having an atmosphere. Equipment and surfaces hit by impacts could suffer severe damage.
  4. Lunar dust (pictured) must be mitigated to ensure astronaut safety and sustained operations. Life support systems, instruments, and suits are susceptible to the fine and sharp particles of lunar regolith. This dust is known for its corrosive and abrasive effect on equipment, as well as its damage to the lungs and cardiovascular system. Active and passive mitigation strategies are being developed to counter the threats posed by lunar dust.
  5. Isolation is faced by astronauts during lunar missions. The remote and unfamiliar environment of the moon is a challenge to the crew's mental health. The psychological impact of living in these conditions has a direct impact on individual wellbeing and social activity. The lunar habitat will adopt several countermeasures for isolation-related stress.

Visually, the lunar landscape is devoid of color and life. The only surrounding features would be ancient craters and mountains. The absence of an atmosphere results in a pitch-black sky that extends into the vast cosmos beyond. Any Earth-bound style of architecture would find itself in unfamiliar territory. A lunar habitat would prioritize functionality and safety while still fitting into the surrounding environment. 


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Proposals for lunar habitats have been made in the past. I evaluated several of them for their design and functionality with available papers and data.

  1. NASA's Surface Habitat is designed to be a 127 sq. meter human outpost on the lunar South Pole. It will provide most life support and auxiliary services for the duration of a surface stay. The habitat is integrated with a robotic lander, presumably launched together using a heavy-lift rocket.
  2. Spartan Space's Eurohab is coined as a secondary habitat meant to extend scientific exploration beyond the periphery of human landing sites, serving as an intermediary between landers and places of interest.
  3. SOM's One Moon is a modular structure that is part of a permanent settlement on the lunar South Pole. The 4-story habitat has three vertical panels that expand to increase the habitable volume to 388 sq. meters.

All three designs would be categorized by NASA as class II structures- their inflatable components require "significant outfitting." For the surface habitat and Eurohab, this outfitting process is carried out autonomously before crew arrival. Although these proposals are nowhere close to being built, the prospect of a lunar settlement becomes increasingly viable in the next decade with the Artemis Program in full swing and the development of new technologies.

Design Goals/Purpose

The challenges of an interplanetary architect | Xavier De Kestelier | TEDxLeuven

To ensure the effectiveness and resilience of the lunar habitat, I formulated parameters that the final design will meet. These requirements aim to address the aforementioned challenges of the extreme environment. A lunar habitat has many roles to play. Aside from being a safe haven from the harshness of space, it will simultaneously be the hub for astronaut activity and scientific exploration. As the centerpiece of the Artemis Base Camp, enhancing human wellbeing is particularly important.

Ground Rules

  • Size: launch configuration fits within 8.4m fairing
  • Mass: weight less than 42 tons at launch, dry mass no more than 15 tons
  • Payload: store propellant and extra cargo
  • Crew: sustain crew of 4 for more than one month
  • Outfitting: land, deploy, and generate power autonomously

Life Support

  • Resources: generate and recycle oxygen and water
  • Food: carry food and food-processing equipment that will meet mission requirements
  • Medical: include healthcare/wellbeing amenities
  • Shielding: shelter humans from radiation and meteorite strikes
  • Power: generate and store energy
  • Thermal: regulate safe temperatures for human occupants and equipment
  • Waste: safe processing and storage of waste products


  • Extravehicular activity: airlock and suitport capability for moonwalks and transferring cargo
  • Mating: dock with pressurized rover with MGAAMA port and transfer consumables
  • Communication: data link with the Gateway station and NASA Ground Control, relay surface communications
  • Reuse: hibernate through the lunar night to be reused for the next mission
  • Resilience: maintenance through additive manufacturing, on-site resources utilization (ISRU)

Launch Method


The main constraint for the habitat's mass is launch vehicle capability. I considered using SpaceX's Starship, however, it was primarily designed to deliver large payloads to low Earth orbit. On the other hand, NASA's Space Launch System is better optimized for lunar missions. The SLS Block 1B (in development) is capable of sending 42 metric tons of cargo to trans-lunar injection, which is a Hohmann transfer orbit bound for the moon. However, this 42-ton payload limit is shared between structural (dry) mass and propellant (wet) mass. The habitat will also be stowed within the rocket's 8.4-meter diameter fairing shroud during the launch process.

The habitat will be responsible for decelerating into lunar orbit and descending to the landing site by itself. Delta-v is used as a measurement of the change in spacecraft velocity. The propulsion elements of the habitat would enable independent spaceflight maneuvers:

+680 m/s (orbital insertion)
+1730 m/s (descent + landing)
=2410 m/s total

Typical propellant-mass ratios for lunar spacecraft range from 60% to 80%. This means more than half of a spacecraft's mass is fuel. Assuming that efficient LOX engines are used, I determined the landed (dry) mass of the habitat to be approximately 15 metric tons.

Draft Sketch


The design process begins with a pencil sketch. The concept habitat is visualized in both launch (attached to upper stage) and landed states. The upper section of the habitat will be inflated upon deployment to increase habitable volume.

Overall Dimensions

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To determine measurements, the general layout of the habitat was created in Affinity Designer. The Transform studio makes it convenient to inspect and adjust dimensions of shapes. The entire habitat structure is mounted atop the payload adapter of the Exploration Upper Stage and is configured to fit within the ⌀8.4m rocket fairing.

Lower Section

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To create the 3D model of the habitat, I set up a new project in Autodesk Fusion. I begin by building the overall shapes and gradually add more details. To form the cylindrical structures, I created sketches with basic geometry and constrained their measurements with the Dimension tool [D key]. The closed sketches can then be extruded to the desired height.

Extendable Tunnel

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One of the major elements of the lower level, the tunnel telescopically extends outward after deployment. This gives enough clearance from the central structure for docking with a pressurized rover or another module. This section was modeled as a separate component so that motion joints could be added later. To create the pleated fabric structure, I modeled a single section and used the Pattern on Path tool to make copies.

Docking Adapter

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The docking interface can simultaneously transfer crew and utilities such as air, water, and waste. This allows the docked spacecraft to link with the habitat's life support systems. The utility transfer ports are compatible with MGAAMA-standard adapters, enabling docking for additional modules or rovers. The crew hatch is located in the center and features a window and latch. To model this in Fusion, I extruded circles and a rounded rectangle. The beveled rim of the hatch was formed with the Chamfer tool.

Inflatable Shell

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I envisioned the inflatable habitat to feature spiral grooves that expand radially. First, I drew concentric circles on planes at different levels, and created surfaces by using the Loft tool. Next, I created coils that contact the lofted surface and rotated them 40° apart. I sketched a curve and used the Sweep tool with the coil edges as guide rails. To form the curved sections, I lofted the edges of the face to the top and bottom sketches. Finally I adjusted the takeoff angle and weight as desired to form a continuous curve. I then used a Circular Pattern to create a cylindrical shape. The Boundary Fill too creates a solid body after the edges were stitched together.


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To improve the structural stability of the rigid pressure vessel, the surface is braced with a truss structure. I sketched the cross bracing and used the Emboss tool to embed the pattern on the cylindrical surface.

Basic Structure

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The three main sections are shown together after adding portholes and external cargo fixtures. These will be the habitable areas of the spacecraft.

Propulsion System

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To model the RL10-derived engines that would allow the habitat to land propulsively, I sketched a section of the engine nozzle with a fit point spline and used Revolve to create a solid body. I created liquid hydrogen propellant tanks from combining cylinders with semicircles, while the liquid oxygen tanks were made with spheres. For precision control while maneuvering in space, I designed a reaction control system consisting of 4 RCS pods. These small thrusters also allow the spacecraft to adjust its orientation during descent.

Observation Cupola

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On top of the habitat structure, I designed an octagonal domed cupola that provides a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. Inspired by the ISS cupola, this structure allows astronauts to make scientific observations and relax in the same area. Radio antenna systems are also mounted on opposite sides of the frame to ensure seamless communication with Mission Control.

Solar Array

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I modeled a photovoltaic array on top of the observation cupola for electricity generation. The design approach is inspired by Northrop Grumman's Megaflex solar array. The array fixed can be rotated 360° on its mount to align with the changed sunlight direction. When fully expanded, the 15.6 sq. meter array can generate up to 8.5 kilowatts of power in optimal conditions, stored in hydrogen fuel cells housed on the spacecraft's bottom. This provides sufficient power for autonomous deployment and backend system operation before the arrival of crew. Electricity generation will be complemented by an efficient standalone nuclear fission system that will be delivered in a future mission to ensure resilience and redundancy.

Output per square meter: 0.4 × 1361W/m2≈544.4W/sq. m
Power total=408W/m2 × 15.6sq. m≈ 8492W



I had originally opted for a traditional roll-out solar array similar to the ones fitted to the International Space Station. However, their geometry and structure are best suited for microgravity environments. The linear extension mechanism of the panels would need to undergo redesign to function under the influence of gravity. Furthermore, rotating the long array frame to face the sun would require substantial torque due to centripetal force. These considerations led me to revise the array design.


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Thermal regulation is essential for astronauts to live in comfortable conditions. A system of 5 radiators (combined surface area of 36.2 sq. meters) allow excess heat to be dissipated. Because the sunlight direction at the polar region changes throughout the month, the radiator panels are mounted on opposite sides of the habitat to ensure proper thermal control regardless of sunlight orientation. They can be easily retracted during the lunar night to minimize heat loss.

Appearances & Materials

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To replicate the materials and coatings used in the actual habitat, I customized appearances and assigned them to bodies and surfaces. For instance, I selected "Fabric" for the expandable body, which would be manufactured with an internal bladder, multilayer woven fabric, and insulation layers. I added some light blue sections to create visual interest, symbolizing to the Moon's distinctive maria (seas). This choice of color explores commonalities between Earth and the Moon, figuratively connecting the two worlds. Aluminum was chosen for the rigid pressure vessel to represent the actual appearance. Aluminum is widely used in aerospace due to its high strength-to-weight ration. A reflective gold appearance represents the MLI (multilayer insulation) film covering the propellant tanks. This material mitigates the extreme temperatures on the Moon by reducing heat transfer. This is made possible with internal reflections induced by sandwiching reflective foil with several insulating layers.


Project LUMAX Animation

I used the Joint tool to simulate the extension of the docking tunnel and the deployment of the landing legs. Constraints are helpful for limiting the slider's range of motion. Finally, I utilized Fusion's Animate workspace to create a video of the habitat's deployment sequence.

Concept Overview

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Introducing LUMAX: the foundation to resilient lunar exploration. Its name comes from a portmanteau of lunar and maximum, conveying the full utilization of lunar resources to enable maximum capability and comfort.

The habitat is designed with crew wellbeing, scientific exploration, and functionality as top priorities.

  • The bottom level features an airlock and MGAAMA-standard mating adapter. This allows the rover to dock to the habitat and seamlessly transfer crew and supplies. Side-mounted containers to create room for cargo and robotic equipment. The fuel tanks and engines are fully integrated with the structural frame. This space-optimizing design enables two collinear exit/entry points for Moonwalks and linking with other modules via an extendable tunnel.
  • The rigid habitat level is an aluminum pressure vessel that contains the crew's sleeping quarters, located here for radiation and meteorite protection. The radiators and shield paneling provide shelter from any external damage.
  • The expandable upper section comprises of 3 floors and the observation cupola on top, providing ample space for living, research, and leisure. Thermal control systems and insulation materials help reduce heat transfer. The fully inflated module has 285 cubic meters of internal volume.

(Rendered in Fusion, juxtaposed onto Apollo panorama image, featuring pressurized rover concept)


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During their months on the lunar surface, astronauts will call this 5-story habitat home. All 196 square meters of floor area is apportioned for compartments with specialized functions. Astronauts climb a ladder through the central atrium that helps channel sunlight into the lower floors of the structure. The open center alleviates the sense of confinement. Observation windows, recreational areas, exercise facilities, and medical resources allow astronauts to maintain wellbeing despite the extreme conditions outside.

Level 1- Extravehicular activity and maintenance

Level 2- Sleeping quarters and sanitation

Level 3- Dining and laboratory

Level 4- Fitness and operations

Level 5- Recreation, observation cupola, and utility systems

Size Comparison


Significantly larger than a regular house, the LUMAX Habitat represents the next step in establishing a long-duration base on the Moon's South Pole. The habitat is generally self-sufficient in terms of energy and life support. LUMAX towers over the Apollo Lunar Module, which first landed humans on the moon in 1969.

Thermal Systems


To maintain optimal temperatures for both the crew and equipment, a dedicated thermal control system is in place. It is powered the electricity generated by the solar arrays with supplementation from fuel cells and external power sources. The TCS relies on the radiator panels for heat rejection and two heat exchange loops for the interior and exterior. The system maintains a low temperature loop and a medium temperature loop. Various heat exchangers are located along the pathway to regulate the temperatures of the working fluids. Parasitic heat loss is curbed by a regenerative heat exchanger located on the outside of the habitat. (Schematic derived from NASA study)

Resilient Design

  • In-situ resource utilization is key to the long-term resilience of the habitat. The lunar environment contains various resources that be utilized on-site. For instance, the lunar regolith can be solidified into a protective barrier from meteorite impacts and cosmic radiation. The use of local materials can provide better radiation shielding for the crew. Furthermore, the LUMAX habitat will carry robotic equipment that will mine and transport water ice to the habitat for extraction. While water can be used in the daily lives of astronauts, it can also be separated into hydrogen and oxygen to replenish spacecraft in the future. These developing technologies embrace the properties of the environment to produce resources that otherwise need to be sent from Earth.
  • Additive fabrication is enabled with the 3D printing and manufacturing tools situated in the laboratory. The capability to replace and repair components of mission hardware is crucial for redundancy and longevity. Crew members can use specialized additive manufacturing equipment to produce plastic and metal parts. In an environment where a resupply mission would take weeks, being able to resolve issues independently vastly improves the ability to overcome unexpected difficulties.
  • Crew wellbeing is a driving factor in the design of this habitat. Extended periods of isolation are proven to degrade the mental health of crew members. With a balance between scientific research, fitness, and leisure, the habitat ensures astronaut wellbeing through recreational and exercise amenities. Specifically, the habitat features exercise equipment optimized for low-g as well as private and public spaces that allow for relaxation.

Manufacturing Techniques


The durable structure of the lunar habitat is designed to withstand the harsh conditions on the lunar surface. This requires precision and craftsmanship in the fabrication process. LUMAX will be constructed on Earth and delivered to the Moon via a single rocket launch.

The rigid structure and components will primarily use aluminum alloys and steel. This hard shell provides radiation shielding when lined with cargo and water pallets. While many parts will be milled with CNC machines, the large cylindrical module will be manufactured using roll bending and welded using robotics. This results in a uniform curved finish with precise joints.

The rigid frame inside the inflatable module acts as a protective keel and is strengthened by longitudinal beams manufactured with metal extrusion. The expandable soft bladder is machine-woven from synthetic textiles, including Vectran- known for its strength and rigidity. This inflatable shell would comprise of various multi-material layers designed for thermal insulation and micrometeorite protection, all while maintaining structural integrity at high PSI levels. In addition, fabric layers woven from hydrogenated BNNT yarn help mitigate cosmic and solar radiation by using hydrogen to block incoming protons and absorb secondary neutrons. (Photos: NASA/Sierra Space)


LUMAX Drawing v5.png

I created engineering drawings in Fusion and made diagrams in Affinity Designer. The 3D model can be downloaded in STEP format.

Physical Prototype: Supplies


  • Spray paint
  • Body filler/putty
  • Sandpaper/sanding blocks
  • Epoxy glue
  • CA glue
  • Paper
  • Air dry clay
  • Foam board
  • Pebbles


  • 3D printer- Prusa Mk3
  • Digital Camera- Sony RX10M4
  • Printer
  • Tripod
  • X-acto knife
  • Clippers
  • Hand file
  • Saw

Dissect & Slice

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In Fusion, I separated the model into smaller sections for easier printing. This can be done effectively with the Split Body command. Large and flat surfaces are best printed flat on the print bed.

  1. Export parts from Fusion as .stl
  2. Import in Cura
  3. Adjust print parameters
  4. Save .gcode file and transfer to card

3D Printing


I used the Prusa MK3, a FDM printer, to additively fabricate the model's components at my school's makerspace. The automatic bed-leveling capability simplifies the printing process.

  1. Clean print bed with alcohol
  2. Load .gcode file from card
  3. Start print
  4. Finish and remove from print bed

Parts Preparation


To ready the parts for assembly and painting, I removed any remaining support structures and imperfections. Clippers and X-acto knives come in handy.


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Filling gaps and imperfections

Post-processing FDM printed parts involves sanding layer lines and filling gaps. Although the process is tedious, it results in a much smoother finish.

  1. Mix body filler with hardener
  2. Apply filler in crevices and gaps
  3. Leave to dry for a few hours
  4. Remove extra filler with coarse sandpaper
  5. Smooth surface with fine sandpaper
  6. Wipe surface clean

Safety: the filler creates harmful fumes when bonding. Be sure to use a respirator the prevent inhaling the gases. Apply some water when sanding. This prevents dust from contaminating the workspace and inhalation.



I used CA and epoxy glues to attach parts to each other. Large surfaces are most suitable for epoxy glue, while the quick-setting properties of CA glue is ideal for attaching small parts.

The epoxy glue comes in two parts, A and B. An equal mixture of both is applied to the surface being joined. The glue takes around 12 hours to form a strong bond.



To prepare the model for painting, I assembled the individual 3D-printed pieces into larger components. The four engine nozzles are attached to fixtures on the outer frame.

Spray Painting


To achieve a consistent finish, I coated the assembled model with a layer of white paint. Solid colors are customary for architectural models, as they emphasize the form of the design. Tamiya's lacquer spray paint is suitable for plastic and provides an even coat.

  1. Affix parts on a piece of cardboard, newspaper can be used to cover ground
  2. Wear proper protective equipment
  3. Shake the can
  4. Spray at least 20cm away
  5. Coat the surface in thin layers
  6. Leave to dry

Safety: spray painting produces chemical fumes that are unsafe to inhale. A respirator, googles and gloves will mitigate contact with paint particles and fumes from volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is advisable to spray outside in a well-ventilated area.



I photographed the habitat model with a digital camera to capture detailed images. Sony's RX10IV has a versatile zoom range while enabling me to fine-tune exposure.

  1. Set up large pieces of black paper as backdrop
  2. Place model in the center
  3. Mount camera on tripod
  4. Adjust exposure
  5. Capture photos
  6. Import images to computer via SD card
  7. Edit and crop images

Habitat Model


Foam Base


Using a hand saw, I cut out a square of insulation foam board for the diorama. Next, I covered one side with a layer of air-dry clay.

Surface Detail


To recreate the rugged surface of lunar terrain, I pressed a piece of porous rock onto the soft clay. This stamped pattern gave the surface an uneven finish. After drying, I spray painted the surface using grey, brown, and silver.

Name Plate & Astronauts


I printed a label plate that I designed in Affinity Designer. The paper was glued onto a rectangular foam piece that I cut out, which was then attached to the side of the base. Next, I sculpted a pair of astronaut figures using air dry clay and added them to the base.

Completed Diorama


Takeaways & Impact


Extension to community

This project made me reconsider the concept of repairability. The LUMAX habitat features robust 3D printing equipment that allows astronauts to make replacement parts and manufacture new components. This enables the rapid servicing of hardware elements as well as potential upward compatibility for future additions. Having utilized 3D printing in my physical model, I can attest to the versatility and efficiency of additive fabrication technology.

Wear and tear is inevitable in everyday life. Manufacturers should engineer their products to last longer, while consumers should find ways to repair them before they are thrown out. Planned obsolescence is an issue that society needs to tackle as a whole. Communities will benefit from sustainable design practices, which will lessen the burden of replacing and disposing of broken items.

Often, household goods are also thrown out because the user does not possess the necessary skill set to conduct repairs. The ability to resolve common issues goes a long way toward the longevity of the products we use. These instances highlight the importance of problem-solving and STEM education in schools.


This project gave me greater insight into the engineering process and its challenges. To organize the workflow, I consulted the MYP design framework to plan out stages of the process. The engineering approach involves identifying a need, developing ideas, creating the design, and improving upon it.

In particular, I understood the importance of identifying problems. Before creating the actual design, I needed to understand what challenges it needs to withstand. Researching led to a deeper understanding of the conditions of the lunar surface, such as extreme temperatures and radiation. Doing so helped me focus on finding solutions to these obstacles, which led to a final product that fulfilled the intended purpose.

While researching conceptual studies about lunar habitats, I found a few proposals that featured unique designs, i.e. subsurface modules (natural protection from meteorite strikes). These ingenious engineering approaches demonstrate the endless potential of integrating architecture with the surrounding environment.

Looking back, I enjoyed bringing my design to life from the initial idea. Learning how to effectively create drawings and animations in Fusion was particularly interesting, and I hope to put these skills to use in my next project.


The attached document contains scientific papers, diagrams, and images that I consulted for this project.

I would like to thank my parents and teachers who have wholeheartedly supported my creative pursuits, as well as Autodesk Instructables for this truly exceptional opportunity. I'm grateful for having the chance to share my ideas with like-minded creatives on this platform to foster innovation and empower our communities.

Feel free to leave any questions or suggestions in the comments!