Rotary Encoder Programming Code for Fast and Robust Usage

by RuiMonteiro in Circuits > Arduino

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Rotary Encoder Programming Code for Fast and Robust Usage


The typical Arduino sketches out there are prone to failure due to not considering the full cycle to count as a rotation. To solve the problem of stability and also to allow faster speeds here are two variations of a Fast and Robust code for the typical Rotary Encoder.

As you can see, there is a cycle of 5 steps for an entire movement, those steps are:

CLK(A) and DT(B) bit pairs for CCW (Moving Left):

  1. 11
  2. 01
  3. 00
  4. 10
  5. 11

CLK(A) and DT(B) bit pairs for CW (Moving Right):

  1. 11
  2. 10
  3. 00
  4. 01
  5. 11

This means we can reduce the entire cycle into a single byte (char) like so:

  • 01001011 for CCW
  • 10000111 for CW

You may visualize these A/B cycles in the picture above.



One Arduino Rotary Encoder.


Wire the Rotary Encoder accordingly to the picture, like this:

  • CLK to Arduino pin 2
  • DT to Arduino pin 3
  • SW to Arduino pin 4

Robust and Simple Programming


For the Robust and Simple programming code use this one:

// Rotary Encoder Inputs
#define CLK 2
#define DT 3
#define SW 4

#define DPR 50    // Debounce timer for press and release
#define LPR 3000  // Long press/release in milliseconds

unsigned char readBits = 0b111;     // 8 bits
unsigned char rotationBits = 0b011; // 8 bits
unsigned char buttonBits = 0b111;   // 8 bits
int counter = 0;
String currentDir = "";
unsigned long lastActionButton = 0;

void setup() {

  // Set encoder pins as inputs
  pinMode(SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps

void loop() {

  readBits = digitalRead(SW) << 2 | digitalRead(CLK) << 1 | digitalRead(DT);

  if ((rotationBits & 0b11) != (readBits & 0b11)) {

    rotationBits = rotationBits << 2 | readBits & 0b11;
    // Bit Pairs Cyclic Sequence (CLK DT Pair Bits):
    // 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.
    // 11 | 01 | 00 | 10 | 11 for CCW
    // 11 | 10 | 00 | 01 | 11 for CW
    if (rotationBits == 0b01001011 || rotationBits == 0b10000111) {
      if (rotationBits == 0b01001011) {
        currentDir = "CCW";
      } else {
        currentDir = "CW";

      Serial.print("Direction: ");
      Serial.print(" | Counter: ");

  if ((buttonBits & 0b001) != (readBits >> 2 & 0b001)) {

    // Bit Pairs Press Release Cyclic Sequence (OFF ON Pair Bits):
    // 1.    2.    3.    4.  (long press/release)
    // 000 | 001 | 011 | 111 for OFF
    // 111 | 110 | 100 | 000 for ON
    if ((buttonBits & 0b001) == 0b000) {
      buttonBits = 0b001;
    } else {
      buttonBits = 0b110;

    // Starts counting time since button physically operated
    lastActionButton = millis();
  // LONG Press/Release Actions
  } else if (abs(millis() - lastActionButton) > (unsigned long)LPR) {
    if (buttonBits == 0b011) {
        buttonBits = 0b111;
        Serial.println("LONG released!");
    } else if (buttonBits == 0b100) {
        buttonBits = 0b000;
        Serial.println("LONG pressed!");

  // SIMPLE Press/Release Actions
  } else if (abs(millis() - lastActionButton) > (unsigned long)DPR) {
    if (buttonBits == 0b001) {
        buttonBits = 0b011;
        Serial.println("Button released!");
    } else if (buttonBits == 0b110) {
        buttonBits = 0b100;
        Serial.println("Button pressed!");

  // Put in a slight delay to help debounce the reading

Robust and Fast Speeds Programming


For extremely high speeds you have to use bit operators and port registers. In this case use the following code for the Rotary Encoder:

int counter = 0;
String currentDir = "";
unsigned char currentPairBit = 0b11;  // 8 bits
unsigned char lastPairBit = 0b11;     // 8 bits

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
  DDRD = 0b00000000;  // Sets all PD Arduino pins as inputs

void loop() {

  while(true) { // while cycle is faster than loop!

    // reads the PD digital pins for states!
    // PD2 >> 1 jumps to bit 0b0010 and PD3 >> 3 jumps to bit 0b0001
    currentPairBit = PIND >> 1 & 0b10 | PIND >> 3 & 0b01; // CLK(PD2) and DT(PD3) bits
    if ((lastPairBit & 0b11) != currentPairBit) {
      lastPairBit = lastPairBit << 2 | currentPairBit;
      // Bit Pairs Cyclic Sequence:
      //  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.
      //  11 | 01 | 00 | 10 | 11 for CCW
      //  11 | 10 | 00 | 01 | 11 for CW
      if (lastPairBit == 0b01001011 || lastPairBit == 0b10000111) {
        if (lastPairBit == 0b01001011) {
          currentDir = "CCW";
        } else {
          currentDir = "CW";
        Serial.print("Direction: ");
        Serial.print(" | Counter: ");