Processing Controls R/C Car With XBee Modules
by sath02 in Circuits > Wireless
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Processing Controls R/C Car With XBee Modules

This instructable is a modification of my presentation to Processing Chicago community at the (EVL) Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago on Oct 1, 2012. In the topic of
Processing Library Series
Processing and Wireless XBee Wireless RF Module
In this presentation, attendants will learn about
Note: I changed the title and modified my presentation to fit the Instructables' step-by-step format.
Processing Library Series
Processing and Wireless XBee Wireless RF Module
In this presentation, attendants will learn about
- UART Serial Communication
- Serial Lib
- How to install FTDI Virtual Comm Port Driver
- XBee Wireless RF Module and how to configure the modules
- How to design the GUI (Graphics User Interface) in Processing (Used Processing to control R/C car as an example)
- Hands-on exercise configure the XBee modules and communicate among each other.
Note: I changed the title and modified my presentation to fit the Instructables' step-by-step format.

The presentation was divided into two parts, first part was about my few past works:
Wireless (Bluetooth) Control Pop-Bot
Make Wired Robotic Arm Edge to "Wireless" with DIY Arduino + XBee and
Wireless Finger Drum,
XB-Buddy and XB-Buddy Basic Kits
And introduced a new project. (this instructable - Processing Controls R/C Car with Wireless XBee modules)
Second part, was an in-depth workshop on working with the XBee configuration, the Processing's Serial library, Arduino's Serial and SoftwareSerial library.
In case, if you want to build the project, below are the list of Hardware, Software and Parts.
I also provided the step-by-step details (Step 11) to build the PCB, and modification of the R/C car (which was not shown at the presentation).
Arduino or Arduino Compatibles
XBee Modules
FTDI cable or equivalent (i.e. XB-Buddy, Adafruit's FTDI Friend, Sparkfun's Breakoutboard, Librelium's ...)
Motors Driver Board or equivalent
Cheap R/C car with min. 6VDC. battery power (example used was 1:16 Scale Ford Mustang Shelby GT 2010, with 7.5VDC)
Driver & Softwares
FTDI - Virtual Comm Port Drivers
CoolTerm - Free Terminal Program
Processing IDE
Arduino IDE
Parts list for DIY Motors Driver PCB and DIY Arduino
If you're are scratch building DIY Arduino and DIY Motors Driver Following is the parts list, (See Step 11 for Schematics and Diagrams)
(x1) ATMega328P with Arduino bootloader
(x1) 28-pin IC Socket (Digikey #3M5480-ND)
(x1) 16Mhz Resonator
(x3) 0.1uF Ceramic capacitor
(x2) 100uF/16V capacitors
(x1) 10uF/16 capacitor
(x1) 10K resistortor
(x3) 1K Resistor
(x1) 6-pin right angle male header
(x1) 3mm green LED
(x1) 3mm red or yellow LED
(x2) 2 pin receptacle
(x1) L293D - Motor Drivers IC (or SN745)
(x1) 16-pin IC Socket
0.1" grid PCB ( about 2-3/4" long x 3-1/2" wide)
Hook-up wire
Solder iron and Soldering Work Station
Solder - Rosin Core (Radio Shack #64-013)
Hookup Wire
Diagonal cutter
X-Acto Knife
Wire Stripper
Solder Sucker
Wireless (Bluetooth) Control Pop-Bot
Make Wired Robotic Arm Edge to "Wireless" with DIY Arduino + XBee and
Wireless Finger Drum,
XB-Buddy and XB-Buddy Basic Kits
And introduced a new project. (this instructable - Processing Controls R/C Car with Wireless XBee modules)
Second part, was an in-depth workshop on working with the XBee configuration, the Processing's Serial library, Arduino's Serial and SoftwareSerial library.
In case, if you want to build the project, below are the list of Hardware, Software and Parts.
I also provided the step-by-step details (Step 11) to build the PCB, and modification of the R/C car (which was not shown at the presentation).
Arduino or Arduino Compatibles
XBee Modules
FTDI cable or equivalent (i.e. XB-Buddy, Adafruit's FTDI Friend, Sparkfun's Breakoutboard, Librelium's ...)
Motors Driver Board or equivalent
Cheap R/C car with min. 6VDC. battery power (example used was 1:16 Scale Ford Mustang Shelby GT 2010, with 7.5VDC)
Driver & Softwares
FTDI - Virtual Comm Port Drivers
CoolTerm - Free Terminal Program
Processing IDE
Arduino IDE
Parts list for DIY Motors Driver PCB and DIY Arduino
If you're are scratch building DIY Arduino and DIY Motors Driver Following is the parts list, (See Step 11 for Schematics and Diagrams)
(x1) ATMega328P with Arduino bootloader
(x1) 28-pin IC Socket (Digikey #3M5480-ND)
(x1) 16Mhz Resonator
(x3) 0.1uF Ceramic capacitor
(x2) 100uF/16V capacitors
(x1) 10uF/16 capacitor
(x1) 10K resistortor
(x3) 1K Resistor
(x1) 6-pin right angle male header
(x1) 3mm green LED
(x1) 3mm red or yellow LED
(x2) 2 pin receptacle
(x1) L293D - Motor Drivers IC (or SN745)
(x1) 16-pin IC Socket
0.1" grid PCB ( about 2-3/4" long x 3-1/2" wide)
Hook-up wire
Solder iron and Soldering Work Station
Solder - Rosin Core (Radio Shack #64-013)
Hookup Wire
Diagonal cutter
X-Acto Knife
Wire Stripper
Solder Sucker
Brief Introduction to Serial Communication

Brief Introduction to Serial Communication
- Serial communication means UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) or RS232
- UART is one of the oldest and most common interfaces
- Data is send out on UART TXD pin in a sequence at a predefined speed, one byte at a time
- When the transmitter sends out zeros(0) and ones(1), the receiver is checking for incoming data on RXD pin at the same speed that the transmitter is sending
- This complete one direction of transferring the data.
- Transmitter and receiver are using separate circuit
- To transfer data in opposite direction, a similar circuit is constructed at the opposite side
- Each circuit can work together or independently
- Each side can send/receive data at anytime with the same predefined speed
- This predefined speed of sending/receiving is called baud rate
- Baud rate is the number of transmitted bits per one second (bps)
- The UART baud rates are in the range of 300, ..., 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200, ..., 921600
- Two micro-controllers can directly connecting to each other, since this is just a digital I/O pins with the voltage levels between 0V and 3.3V (or 5V)
- To connect micro-controller to computer such as laptops, desktops that equipped with RS232 (with voltage level between -12V to +12V) we need a voltage level converter from TTL to RS232 or USB to Serial Converter.
Installing FTDI Driver - Virtual Comm. Port

To use USB to Serial Converter i.e FTDI Cable, XB-Buddy, Adafruit's FTDI Friend, Sparkfun's as the Serial Communication between computer and micro controller we need to install a driver (Virtual Comm Port).
Note: I used XB-Buddy Kits and XB-Buddy Basic Kit in this presentation.
Following are the steps to do so:
Go to
Scroll down, and select driver suitable for your operating system (In this presentation, we were using Mac OS X 2.2.18)
Download to your computer. It appeared in the "Downloads folder" as FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18.dmg file.
Open the file, there are two packages contain in the .dmg file, FTDIUSBDriver_10_3 and FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7.
Open the FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7 package.
The installer window displays the installation steps. Select "Continue" button to proceed.
The Read Me page displays the read me message. After read through the read me messages, click "Continue" button.
The installation window page will ask you if you want to install the driver to different place than the default folder - Macintosh HD. Change the folder as require, otherwise keep it as default by click at "Continue" button.
Last step, the installer will ask for user name and password. Enter your user name and password. And click at "Install Software" button.
Click at "Close" button, after the installer successfully installed the driver.
Note: I used XB-Buddy Kits and XB-Buddy Basic Kit in this presentation.
Following are the steps to do so:
Go to
Scroll down, and select driver suitable for your operating system (In this presentation, we were using Mac OS X 2.2.18)
Download to your computer. It appeared in the "Downloads folder" as FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18.dmg file.
Open the file, there are two packages contain in the .dmg file, FTDIUSBDriver_10_3 and FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7.
Open the FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7 package.
The installer window displays the installation steps. Select "Continue" button to proceed.
The Read Me page displays the read me message. After read through the read me messages, click "Continue" button.
The installation window page will ask you if you want to install the driver to different place than the default folder - Macintosh HD. Change the folder as require, otherwise keep it as default by click at "Continue" button.
Last step, the installer will ask for user name and password. Enter your user name and password. And click at "Install Software" button.
Click at "Close" button, after the installer successfully installed the driver.
Mac OSX Serial Comm.

How can we check if there is a Serial Comm. Port connected to Mac?
Type ls /dev/tty.* and press Enter key.
We will see that there is only one Serial port available, which is built-in bluetooth modem (image 5 below)
Now insert the USB cable to one of the USB port.
retype the command ls /dev/tty.* at prompt and press Enter key.
An alteration to check if there is any Serial Comm. Port connected.
Now insert the FTDI cable
Close the “System Report” Window
And click at the “System Report” again
If everything OK, you should see the Serial Port in the USB list (As shown in the image 8 below)
- Open the Launchpad
- Click on Utilities Icon
- Locate the Terminal App. Icon
- And click at it
Type ls /dev/tty.* and press Enter key.
We will see that there is only one Serial port available, which is built-in bluetooth modem (image 5 below)
Now insert the USB cable to one of the USB port.
retype the command ls /dev/tty.* at prompt and press Enter key.
An alteration to check if there is any Serial Comm. Port connected.
- Locate the Apple icon and click at it
- Select “About This Mac” tab
- Click at System Report button
- Select USB on the list
Now insert the FTDI cable
Close the “System Report” Window
And click at the “System Report” again
If everything OK, you should see the Serial Port in the USB list (As shown in the image 8 below)
Arduino Serial Library

Arduino is a simple computer with a small memory.
Arduino uses an USB connection that is used by the IDE to upload a sketch into processor.
With this connection, it can also be used by the sketches that we write in Arduino to send data back to the computer or to receive commands from it.
Arduino is already included Serial comm in it Program.
Serial Methods(functions)
On previous version of Arduino, Duemilanove, Diecimila, used FT232R chip.
On the Arduino UNO, there is an ATmega16U2 chip installed, this chip was pre-programmed to be used as USB-to-Serial converter.
[These two pins are built-in serial comm. port (TX, RX) on Arduino.]
/ /Arduino Sketch
// No need to add any header file or library in order to
// use the Serial port in Arduino sketch
int i;
void setup() {
// Set the Baud rate
i = 1;
void loop() {
Serial.print(“ Hello, just saying for the “);
Serial.print(“th time.\n”); // this line equivalent to Serial.println(“th time.”);
// Common serial methods (functions)
// Serial.write(data) - sends some data to the serial port.
// int Serial.available() - returns how many unread bytes are available on the serial port
// for reading via read() function. After you have read() everything available,
// Serial.available() return 0 until new data arrived on the serial port.
// - Gets one byte of incoming serial data.
// Serial.flush() - clear the data in the serial buffer, and let it fill up with flesh data.
Arduino uses an USB connection that is used by the IDE to upload a sketch into processor.
With this connection, it can also be used by the sketches that we write in Arduino to send data back to the computer or to receive commands from it.
Arduino is already included Serial comm in it Program.
Serial Methods(functions)
On previous version of Arduino, Duemilanove, Diecimila, used FT232R chip.
On the Arduino UNO, there is an ATmega16U2 chip installed, this chip was pre-programmed to be used as USB-to-Serial converter.
[These two pins are built-in serial comm. port (TX, RX) on Arduino.]
/ /Arduino Sketch
// No need to add any header file or library in order to
// use the Serial port in Arduino sketch
int i;
void setup() {
// Set the Baud rate
i = 1;
void loop() {
Serial.print(“ Hello, just saying for the “);
Serial.print(“th time.\n”); // this line equivalent to Serial.println(“th time.”);
// Common serial methods (functions)
// Serial.write(data) - sends some data to the serial port.
// int Serial.available() - returns how many unread bytes are available on the serial port
// for reading via read() function. After you have read() everything available,
// Serial.available() return 0 until new data arrived on the serial port.
// - Gets one byte of incoming serial data.
// Serial.flush() - clear the data in the serial buffer, and let it fill up with flesh data.
Arduino SoftwareSerial Library

//Arduino Sketch
// Software Serial Library is included in Arduino IDE standard library
//To use SoftwareSerial Library, add the following line to the sketch.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//Specify the pins to use as serial input/output pin.
//Digital pin 10 is specified as TX (output), and Digital pin 9 is specified as RX (input).
SoftwareSerial xBeeSerial = SoftwareSerial(10, 9);
int incomingByte;
void setup() {
// We could use both Serial and SoftwareSerial at the same time,
// since we used different digital pins to send/receive data at the same time.
Serial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate of existing serial port to 9600 bps.
xBeeSerial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate of SoftwareSerial port to 9600 bps.
void loop() {
// Set the condition, If the data in the serial buffer available, read data from port.
if(xBeeSerial.available() > 0) {
// Use the SoftwareSerial port to read the data in the serial buffer.
incomingByte =;
// At the same time, send the data to display the value on the Serial Monitor, if it is opened.
// SoftwareSerial has similar methods as Serial Library, see details here (
// Software Serial Library is included in Arduino IDE standard library
//To use SoftwareSerial Library, add the following line to the sketch.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//Specify the pins to use as serial input/output pin.
//Digital pin 10 is specified as TX (output), and Digital pin 9 is specified as RX (input).
SoftwareSerial xBeeSerial = SoftwareSerial(10, 9);
int incomingByte;
void setup() {
// We could use both Serial and SoftwareSerial at the same time,
// since we used different digital pins to send/receive data at the same time.
Serial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate of existing serial port to 9600 bps.
xBeeSerial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate of SoftwareSerial port to 9600 bps.
void loop() {
// Set the condition, If the data in the serial buffer available, read data from port.
if(xBeeSerial.available() > 0) {
// Use the SoftwareSerial port to read the data in the serial buffer.
incomingByte =;
// At the same time, send the data to display the value on the Serial Monitor, if it is opened.
// SoftwareSerial has similar methods as Serial Library, see details here (
Processing Serial Library

// Processing Sketch
// Serial String Reader #1
// In Processing, we need to import “Serial Library”
// and write a few lines of code in order to find out if we have any serial port available.
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int linefeed = 10;
void setup() {
// Command line to list all the available serial port on the computer.
void draw() {
Sample 2
// Processing Sketch
// Serial String Reader #2
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int linefeed = 10;
void setup() {
// After we ran the sketch the first time.
// Now we know that our serial port is the first one on the list
// So we can comment out the println(Serial.list()); below
// List all the available serial ports
// println(Serial.list());
// and set our port to appropriate number
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw() {
To communicate between Processing (PC, Laptop) and Arduino the baud rate have to be the same.
// Serial String Reader #1
// In Processing, we need to import “Serial Library”
// and write a few lines of code in order to find out if we have any serial port available.
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int linefeed = 10;
void setup() {
// Command line to list all the available serial port on the computer.
void draw() {
Sample 2
// Processing Sketch
// Serial String Reader #2
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int linefeed = 10;
void setup() {
// After we ran the sketch the first time.
// Now we know that our serial port is the first one on the list
// So we can comment out the println(Serial.list()); below
// List all the available serial ports
// println(Serial.list());
// and set our port to appropriate number
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw() {
To communicate between Processing (PC, Laptop) and Arduino the baud rate have to be the same.
Brief Introduction to XBee Module

- IEEE802.15.4 Network Protocol Wireless Communication Module
- Fast Point-To-Multipoint or Peer-To-Peer Networking
- Built by Digi to the ZigBee/802.15.4 Standard
- Longer range than Bluetooth
- Lower Power Consumption than WIFI
- Can directly talk to micro-controller
- XBee requires 3.3V power supply
- Use Serial Communication to send/receive data
- Requires USB to Serial Converter (i.e FTDI cable, xB-Buddy) to talk to PC or Mac
- XBee module needs adapter board to convert the pins spacing from 2mm to 2.54mm (0.1”)
- Need two XBee modules to communicate
- Range ~100 ft. indoor, ~300 ft. outdoor (XBee Series 1)
We must configure XBee modules before using them!
Install CoolTerm for MacOS

Install CoolTern for MacOS
Go to to download CoolTerm.
Scroll down until you see CoolTerm, Then, click the version suitable for your computer. (We were using CoolTermMac)
Drag the CoolTermMac folder from Downloads folder to Applications folder.
CoolTerm icon will appear on the Launchpad automatically.
Click at CoolTerm icon to open the app.
Now, we are ready to start configuring the XBee module. But we need to set up the Terminal (CoolTerm) to be ready for the task:
Set Baudrate to 9600,
Data Bits to 8,
Parity to none,
Stop Bits to 1
Click at “Options” on the menu bar.
Insert xB-Buddy with XBee module installed, to USB port.
Click at “Options” on the menu bar.
The available xB-Buddy serial port shows up in "Serial Port Options:"
If not, just click at “Re-Scan Serial Ports” button.
Set Baudrate to 9600,
Data Bits to 8,
Parity to none,
Stop Bits to 1
Click at “Options” on the menu bar.
Select "Terminal" from the commands list
Check "Local Echo"
Then click OK button to save the setting.
To make a connection between CoolTerm and XBee, Select "Connect" button on the Main Menu Bar.
Go to to download CoolTerm.
Scroll down until you see CoolTerm, Then, click the version suitable for your computer. (We were using CoolTermMac)
Drag the CoolTermMac folder from Downloads folder to Applications folder.
CoolTerm icon will appear on the Launchpad automatically.
Click at CoolTerm icon to open the app.
Now, we are ready to start configuring the XBee module. But we need to set up the Terminal (CoolTerm) to be ready for the task:
Set Baudrate to 9600,
Data Bits to 8,
Parity to none,
Stop Bits to 1
Click at “Options” on the menu bar.
Insert xB-Buddy with XBee module installed, to USB port.
Click at “Options” on the menu bar.
The available xB-Buddy serial port shows up in "Serial Port Options:"
If not, just click at “Re-Scan Serial Ports” button.
Set Baudrate to 9600,
Data Bits to 8,
Parity to none,
Stop Bits to 1
Click at “Options” on the menu bar.
Select "Terminal" from the commands list
Check "Local Echo"
Then click OK button to save the setting.
To make a connection between CoolTerm and XBee, Select "Connect" button on the Main Menu Bar.
XBee Configuration

XBee Configuration
Insert xB-Buddy with XBee module (XBee modules used in the presentation were Serial 1, different method of setting is needed if using XBee Pro) installed, to USB port.
Click at “Options” button on the menu bar.
The available xB-Buddy serial port shows up on the Serial Port: list. If not, just click at “Re-Scan Serial Ports” button.
Then click "OK" button.
NOTE: Assumed that the XBee module is newly bought. So we use the default baud rate (9600).
otherwise we have to find out what was the previously set baud rate.
Set Baudrate to 9600
Data Bits to 8
Parity to none
Stop Bits to 1
And select "Terminal" from the list on the left-hand window. And click "OK"
Check at the checkbox in front of "Local Echo". Click “OK” to save the settings, then close the “Options” window.
Click at “Connect” icon.
Test XBee Modules
Since two XBee modules are required, and each Xbee module need to have it own configuration data.
We are going to configure each XBee module one at a time. We will assign an XBee as "a", and the other as "b".
Steps to Configuration the XBee
While in the CoolTerm App. First, we are going to ask the XBee module for it current configuration.
Repeat the steps above to to find out about XBee "b" current configuration.
AT Commands
ATID - PAN ID (Personnel Area Network ID) value can be anything from 0000 to FFFF. The PAN ID on two XBee modules that use for communicating to each other must have same PAN ID number.
ATMY - The unique number use as the address of that XBee module
ATDH - Destination Address High, the first half of the address, we want to talk to
ATDL - Destination Address Low, the address, we will use to locate other XBee module
ATBD - Baud rate, this value need to be the same on both XBee modules, so they can talk to each other.
Complete list of AT commands and XBee configuration can be found here (
Configuring the XBee "a" module:
While in the CoolTerm App.
Type +++ to enter command mode, CoolTerm will respond with OK
Type ATID 3322 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATMY 1 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDH 0 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDL 2 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATBD 3 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATWR and press Enter to save the configuration to XBee memory. Now XBee "a" is ready to use.
Configuring the XBee "b" module:
While in the CoolTerm App.
Type ATWR and press Enter to save the configuration to XBee memory. Now XBee "b" is ready to use.
Test XBee modules
After we configure both XBee "a" and Xbee "b". Let's connect XBee "a" and XBee "b" on two different laptops or computers.
Open up CoolTerm on both computer. Make sure that the setting are as mention earlier in this Step.
If you are still in the CoolTerm after you're done with the XBee configuration processes.
Type ATCN to get out of the (+++) command mode.
Start to type texts on the CoolTerm terminal on both computers!
Viola! Two computers are talking to each other through the Wireless XBee Serial Comm. Port.
Insert xB-Buddy with XBee module (XBee modules used in the presentation were Serial 1, different method of setting is needed if using XBee Pro) installed, to USB port.
Click at “Options” button on the menu bar.
The available xB-Buddy serial port shows up on the Serial Port: list. If not, just click at “Re-Scan Serial Ports” button.
Then click "OK" button.
NOTE: Assumed that the XBee module is newly bought. So we use the default baud rate (9600).
otherwise we have to find out what was the previously set baud rate.
Set Baudrate to 9600
Data Bits to 8
Parity to none
Stop Bits to 1
And select "Terminal" from the list on the left-hand window. And click "OK"
Check at the checkbox in front of "Local Echo". Click “OK” to save the settings, then close the “Options” window.
Click at “Connect” icon.
Test XBee Modules
Since two XBee modules are required, and each Xbee module need to have it own configuration data.
We are going to configure each XBee module one at a time. We will assign an XBee as "a", and the other as "b".
Steps to Configuration the XBee
While in the CoolTerm App. First, we are going to ask the XBee module for it current configuration.
Type +++ to enter command mode, CoolTerm will respond with OK
Type ATID and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with the four digit number (shown as 3322)
Type ATMY and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (shown as 4)
Type ATDH and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (Shown as 0)
Type ATDL and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (Shown as 2)
Type ATBD and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (Shown as 3)
Type ATID and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with the four digit number (shown as 3322)
Type ATMY and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (shown as 4)
Type ATDH and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (Shown as 0)
Type ATDL and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (Shown as 2)
Type ATBD and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with one digit number (Shown as 3)
Repeat the steps above to to find out about XBee "b" current configuration.
AT Commands
ATID - PAN ID (Personnel Area Network ID) value can be anything from 0000 to FFFF. The PAN ID on two XBee modules that use for communicating to each other must have same PAN ID number.
ATMY - The unique number use as the address of that XBee module
ATDH - Destination Address High, the first half of the address, we want to talk to
ATDL - Destination Address Low, the address, we will use to locate other XBee module
ATBD - Baud rate, this value need to be the same on both XBee modules, so they can talk to each other.
Complete list of AT commands and XBee configuration can be found here (
Configuring the XBee "a" module:
While in the CoolTerm App.
Type +++ to enter command mode, CoolTerm will respond with OK
Type ATID 3322 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATMY 1 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDH 0 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDL 2 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATBD 3 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATWR and press Enter to save the configuration to XBee memory. Now XBee "a" is ready to use.
Configuring the XBee "b" module:
While in the CoolTerm App.
Type +++ to enter command mode, CoolTerm will respond with OK
Type ATID 3322 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATMY 2 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDH 0 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDL 1 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATBD 3 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATID 3322 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATMY 2 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDH 0 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATDL 1 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATBD 3 and press Enter, CoolTerm respond with OK
Type ATWR and press Enter to save the configuration to XBee memory. Now XBee "b" is ready to use.
Test XBee modules
After we configure both XBee "a" and Xbee "b". Let's connect XBee "a" and XBee "b" on two different laptops or computers.
Open up CoolTerm on both computer. Make sure that the setting are as mention earlier in this Step.
If you are still in the CoolTerm after you're done with the XBee configuration processes.
Type ATCN to get out of the (+++) command mode.
Start to type texts on the CoolTerm terminal on both computers!
Viola! Two computers are talking to each other through the Wireless XBee Serial Comm. Port.
Built Arduino and Motors Driver PCB

In this project, I built the receiver PCB as all-in one board, meaning that all the component are on the same single board, Arduino compatible, XBee module pins converter board, and motors Driver board.
The whole board will use the power supply from 7.5V from the existing battery enclosure. The receiver board was also equipped with 3.3V regulator for XBee module, and 5V regulator for Arduino Clone.
XBee module talks to Arduino via pin 10 and 9 using SoftwareSerial library.
Arduino Clone
I built the Arduino compatible board exactly as in this instructables - Build "The RevIO" (Arduino Clone) My Way.
XBee Breakout board and XBee Module
XBee module alone could not be connected directly to micro controller or to PC. Because of the pins spacing on the XBee module (2mm) is not compatible to standard 2.5mm spacing PCB. We need to put XBee module to breakout board to connect XBee module to micro controller. In this presentation, I use XB-Buddy basic kit for this purpose.
And to connect XBee module to communicate to PC (to talk to Processing serial) we are also need USB to Serial converter to make it works. So we also need breakout board with FTDI232 IC as the converter. In this presentation I used XB-Buddy Kit for this purpose.
Motors Driver
I built the Motors Driver board similar to the way this Instuctables - Control Your Motors with L293D and Arduino. The schematic (image 4) show the connection of the pins from Arduino to Motors Driver IC.
The whole board will use the power supply from 7.5V from the existing battery enclosure. The receiver board was also equipped with 3.3V regulator for XBee module, and 5V regulator for Arduino Clone.
XBee module talks to Arduino via pin 10 and 9 using SoftwareSerial library.
Arduino Clone
I built the Arduino compatible board exactly as in this instructables - Build "The RevIO" (Arduino Clone) My Way.
XBee Breakout board and XBee Module
XBee module alone could not be connected directly to micro controller or to PC. Because of the pins spacing on the XBee module (2mm) is not compatible to standard 2.5mm spacing PCB. We need to put XBee module to breakout board to connect XBee module to micro controller. In this presentation, I use XB-Buddy basic kit for this purpose.
And to connect XBee module to communicate to PC (to talk to Processing serial) we are also need USB to Serial converter to make it works. So we also need breakout board with FTDI232 IC as the converter. In this presentation I used XB-Buddy Kit for this purpose.
Motors Driver
I built the Motors Driver board similar to the way this Instuctables - Control Your Motors with L293D and Arduino. The schematic (image 4) show the connection of the pins from Arduino to Motors Driver IC.
Arduino Sketch

Arduino Sketch Explain
The explanation is included in the sketch display as the comment in bold typeface.
// Include SoftwareSerial library
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Set XBee module to use SoftwareSerial Library, and set the Arduino pins to be used as TX (10) and RX (9)
SoftwareSerial XBeeSerial = SoftwareSerial(10, 9);
// Set the Arduino pins that connected to L293D - Motor Drivers for Left and Right Turn
#define TURN_ENABLE_PIN 3 // use PWM for this pin
#define LEFT_PIN 4
#define RIGHT_PIN 2
// Set the Arduino pins that connected to L293D - Motor Drivers for Forward and Backward
#define DRIVE_ENABLE_PIN 11 // use PWM for this pin
#define BACKWARD_PIN 8
#define FORWARD_PIN 12
// Input Commands
#define BEGIN_COMMAND 0x7F // decimal = 127, binary = 0111 1111
#define FORWARD 0x1 // decimal = 1, binary = 0000 0001
#define BACKWARD 0x2 // decimal = 2, binary = 0000 0010
#define LEFT 0x4 // decimal = 4, binary = 0000 0100
#define RIGHT 0x8 // decimal = 2, binary = 0000 1000
// Set command variable to be two bytes array,
// command[0] = turn left or right, and drive forward or backward
// command[1] = speed.
int command[2];
void setup() {
// Set XBee SoftwareSerial baud rate to 9600 bps
// Assigns Arduino motors control pins as the output
void loop() {
// XBee SoftwareSerial listening for commands from Processing GUI,
// by set the condition to see if there is a data in the serial buffer
if(XBeeSerial.available() > 0) {
// and if the readCommand() functions return value more than 0,
// then executeCommand()
if(readCommand() > 0) {
// Read Command() Method,
// return integer value of 1,
// if there are three bytes begin with 0x7F in the serial buffer
// or return integer value of 0, otherwise.
int readCommand() {
int b =;
command[0] = readByte(); // command[0] is either 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, or 0x8
command[1] = readByte(); // command[1] is the speed varies from 0 - 6
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int readByte() {
while (true) {
if(XBeeSerial.available() > 0) {
// Translate the commands receive from Processing GUI
// and turn the motor control pins ON/OFF
void executeCommand() {
int c = command[0];
int speed = command[1];
// Control Forward & Backward
digitalWrite(DRIVE_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
// Compare (logical and) first byte of the command array (command[0]) with FORWARD (0x01)
// if the result is TRUE, then set the Motor Controls Pins to drive motor forward
if (c & FORWARD) {
digitalWrite(BACKWARD_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(FORWARD_PIN, HIGH);
// Compare (logical and) first byte of the command array (command[0]) with BACKWARD (0x02)
// if the result is TRUE, then set the Motor Controls Pins to drive motor backward
if (c & BACKWARD) {
digitalWrite(FORWARD_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BACKWARD_PIN, HIGH);
// Compare (logical and) first byte of the command array (command[0]) with
// the result of logical or between FORWARD (0x01) and BACKWARD(0x02)
// if the result is TRUE, then set the speed to the second byte of the command array (command[1])
if (c & (FORWARD | BACKWARD)) {
analogWrite(DRIVE_ENABLE_PIN, speed);
// Control Left & Right turn
// LEFT_PIN = 4
// RIGHT_PIN = 2 digitalWrite(TURN_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
if (c & LEFT) {
digitalWrite(RIGHT_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(LEFT_PIN, HIGH);
if (c & RIGHT) {
digitalWrite(LEFT_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RIGHT_PIN, HIGH);
if (c & (LEFT | RIGHT)) {
digitalWrite(TURN_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
The explanation is included in the sketch display as the comment in bold typeface.
// Include SoftwareSerial library
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Set XBee module to use SoftwareSerial Library, and set the Arduino pins to be used as TX (10) and RX (9)
SoftwareSerial XBeeSerial = SoftwareSerial(10, 9);
// Set the Arduino pins that connected to L293D - Motor Drivers for Left and Right Turn
#define TURN_ENABLE_PIN 3 // use PWM for this pin
#define LEFT_PIN 4
#define RIGHT_PIN 2
// Set the Arduino pins that connected to L293D - Motor Drivers for Forward and Backward
#define DRIVE_ENABLE_PIN 11 // use PWM for this pin
#define BACKWARD_PIN 8
#define FORWARD_PIN 12
// Input Commands
#define BEGIN_COMMAND 0x7F // decimal = 127, binary = 0111 1111
#define FORWARD 0x1 // decimal = 1, binary = 0000 0001
#define BACKWARD 0x2 // decimal = 2, binary = 0000 0010
#define LEFT 0x4 // decimal = 4, binary = 0000 0100
#define RIGHT 0x8 // decimal = 2, binary = 0000 1000
// Set command variable to be two bytes array,
// command[0] = turn left or right, and drive forward or backward
// command[1] = speed.
int command[2];
void setup() {
// Set XBee SoftwareSerial baud rate to 9600 bps
// Assigns Arduino motors control pins as the output
void loop() {
// XBee SoftwareSerial listening for commands from Processing GUI,
// by set the condition to see if there is a data in the serial buffer
if(XBeeSerial.available() > 0) {
// and if the readCommand() functions return value more than 0,
// then executeCommand()
if(readCommand() > 0) {
// Read Command() Method,
// return integer value of 1,
// if there are three bytes begin with 0x7F in the serial buffer
// or return integer value of 0, otherwise.
int readCommand() {
int b =;
command[0] = readByte(); // command[0] is either 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, or 0x8
command[1] = readByte(); // command[1] is the speed varies from 0 - 6
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int readByte() {
while (true) {
if(XBeeSerial.available() > 0) {
// Translate the commands receive from Processing GUI
// and turn the motor control pins ON/OFF
void executeCommand() {
int c = command[0];
int speed = command[1];
// Control Forward & Backward
digitalWrite(DRIVE_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
// Compare (logical and) first byte of the command array (command[0]) with FORWARD (0x01)
// if the result is TRUE, then set the Motor Controls Pins to drive motor forward
if (c & FORWARD) {
digitalWrite(BACKWARD_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(FORWARD_PIN, HIGH);
// Compare (logical and) first byte of the command array (command[0]) with BACKWARD (0x02)
// if the result is TRUE, then set the Motor Controls Pins to drive motor backward
if (c & BACKWARD) {
digitalWrite(FORWARD_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BACKWARD_PIN, HIGH);
// Compare (logical and) first byte of the command array (command[0]) with
// the result of logical or between FORWARD (0x01) and BACKWARD(0x02)
// if the result is TRUE, then set the speed to the second byte of the command array (command[1])
if (c & (FORWARD | BACKWARD)) {
analogWrite(DRIVE_ENABLE_PIN, speed);
// Control Left & Right turn
// LEFT_PIN = 4
// RIGHT_PIN = 2 digitalWrite(TURN_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
if (c & LEFT) {
digitalWrite(RIGHT_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(LEFT_PIN, HIGH);
if (c & RIGHT) {
digitalWrite(LEFT_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RIGHT_PIN, HIGH);
if (c & (LEFT | RIGHT)) {
digitalWrite(TURN_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
Processing GUI

Processing GUI Explain
I designed theProcessing GUI to be used with specific model of R/C car, the 1/16 Scale model of Ford Mustang Shelby 2010.
I created a background image by took the top view photo of the R/C car then manipulated the image in Photoshop, so I have exactly the same model of the car in the Processing GUI windows.
I created three pairs of front wheels, for right turn, left turn and straight run.
Also I created the button icon for the speed controls of the vehicle.
I incorporated the Processing GUI to the plain original processing code from "Wireless Robotics Platform: Cheap R/C Vehicle + Arduino + XBee + Processing" by
Right Wheels Controls
Move cursor over right wheel to turn “Right”. Front wheels are displayed in right-turn direction.
Left Wheels Controls
Move cursor over left wheel to turn “Left”. Front wheels are displayed in left-turn direction.
Speed Controls
Speed varies from 1 (slow) to 6 (fast), when cursor is over the number, the number is highlighted in white. The car move “Forward” with that speed.
When move cursor over R, car move in “Reverse” with the speed of 3.
Move cursor over N, make the car “Stop” moving.
Processing Sketch Explain
//In order to communicate between Processing (PC, Laptop) and Arduino the baud rate have to be the same.
//Import serial library to be used in Processing
import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;
void setup() {
// Set up the port
String XBeePort = Serial.list()[0];
// Set Baud Rate to 9600 bps
port = new Serial(this, XBeePort, 9600);
// Setup the screen for output.
size(400, 596);
// Assign variable called speed to be 0 (zero)
speed = 0;
// Call method (function) controlGUI() to display Graphics User Interface to
// display GUI on the Processing display windows
void draw() {
//Displays the background image (ShelbyGT2010Background.png)
// Call method (function) speedButtons() to refresh the images of the buttons change according to the user input
// Call method updateFrontWheel(mouseX, mouseY) to update
// the image of the front wheels if the mouse cursor is moved over
updateFrontWheel(mouseX, mouseY);
// Method to reflesh the GUI window, when there is a change in the command.
// Test run
// serialEvents() - monitor the input from
// the serial comm. port
void serialEvent(Serial p)
int input =;
lastInput = input;
/ =============================
// Button Class
// =============================
class Button
int x, y;
int w, h;
color basecolor, highlightcolor; color currentcolor;
boolean over = false;
boolean pressed = false;
void pressed() {
if (pressed) {
currentimage = down; }
else if (over) {
currentimage = roll; }
else {
currentimage = base;
void over() {
if ( overRect(x, y, w, h) ) {
over = true; }
else {
over = false;
void display() {
image(currentimage, x, y);
// =============================
// ImageButtons Classes
// =============================
class ImageButtons extends Button
PImage base;
PImage roll;
PImage down;
PImage currentimage;
ImageButtons(int ix, int iy, int iw, int ih,
PImage ibase, PImage iroll,
PImage idown) {
x = ix; // image origin X
y = iy; // image origin Y
w = iw; // image width
h = ih; // image height
base = ibase; // base image
roll = iroll; // roll or over image
down = idown; // down or selected image
currentimage = base;
void update()
if (pressed) {
currentimage = down;
} else if (over){
currentimage = roll;
} else {
currentimage = base;
void over()
if ( overRect(x, y, w, h) ) {
over = true;
} else {
over = false;
void display()
image(currentimage, x, y);
// We needed to have at least three images
// to use as an icon- base, roll, and down
// in ImageButtons() method.
int buttonX = 34;
int buttonY = 34;
void controlGUI() {
carImage = loadImage(
selected =
turnSelected =
// one
oneImage = loadImage("one.png");
oneOver = loadImage("oneOver.png");
oneButton = new ImageButtons(108, 258,
buttonX, buttonY,
oneOver, oneImage,
// These last three variables are the placeholder for the images.
// two
twoImage = loadImage("two.png");
twoOver = loadImage("twoOver.png");
I designed theProcessing GUI to be used with specific model of R/C car, the 1/16 Scale model of Ford Mustang Shelby 2010.
I created a background image by took the top view photo of the R/C car then manipulated the image in Photoshop, so I have exactly the same model of the car in the Processing GUI windows.
I created three pairs of front wheels, for right turn, left turn and straight run.
Also I created the button icon for the speed controls of the vehicle.
I incorporated the Processing GUI to the plain original processing code from "Wireless Robotics Platform: Cheap R/C Vehicle + Arduino + XBee + Processing" by
Right Wheels Controls
Move cursor over right wheel to turn “Right”. Front wheels are displayed in right-turn direction.
Left Wheels Controls
Move cursor over left wheel to turn “Left”. Front wheels are displayed in left-turn direction.
Speed Controls
Speed varies from 1 (slow) to 6 (fast), when cursor is over the number, the number is highlighted in white. The car move “Forward” with that speed.
When move cursor over R, car move in “Reverse” with the speed of 3.
Move cursor over N, make the car “Stop” moving.
Processing Sketch Explain
//In order to communicate between Processing (PC, Laptop) and Arduino the baud rate have to be the same.
//Import serial library to be used in Processing
import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;
void setup() {
// Set up the port
String XBeePort = Serial.list()[0];
// Set Baud Rate to 9600 bps
port = new Serial(this, XBeePort, 9600);
// Setup the screen for output.
size(400, 596);
// Assign variable called speed to be 0 (zero)
speed = 0;
// Call method (function) controlGUI() to display Graphics User Interface to
// display GUI on the Processing display windows
void draw() {
//Displays the background image (ShelbyGT2010Background.png)
// Call method (function) speedButtons() to refresh the images of the buttons change according to the user input
// Call method updateFrontWheel(mouseX, mouseY) to update
// the image of the front wheels if the mouse cursor is moved over
updateFrontWheel(mouseX, mouseY);
// Method to reflesh the GUI window, when there is a change in the command.
// Test run
// serialEvents() - monitor the input from
// the serial comm. port
void serialEvent(Serial p)
int input =;
lastInput = input;
/ =============================
// Button Class
// =============================
class Button
int x, y;
int w, h;
color basecolor, highlightcolor; color currentcolor;
boolean over = false;
boolean pressed = false;
void pressed() {
if (pressed) {
currentimage = down; }
else if (over) {
currentimage = roll; }
else {
currentimage = base;
void over() {
if ( overRect(x, y, w, h) ) {
over = true; }
else {
over = false;
void display() {
image(currentimage, x, y);
// =============================
// ImageButtons Classes
// =============================
class ImageButtons extends Button
PImage base;
PImage roll;
PImage down;
PImage currentimage;
ImageButtons(int ix, int iy, int iw, int ih,
PImage ibase, PImage iroll,
PImage idown) {
x = ix; // image origin X
y = iy; // image origin Y
w = iw; // image width
h = ih; // image height
base = ibase; // base image
roll = iroll; // roll or over image
down = idown; // down or selected image
currentimage = base;
void update()
if (pressed) {
currentimage = down;
} else if (over){
currentimage = roll;
} else {
currentimage = base;
void over()
if ( overRect(x, y, w, h) ) {
over = true;
} else {
over = false;
void display()
image(currentimage, x, y);
// We needed to have at least three images
// to use as an icon- base, roll, and down
// in ImageButtons() method.
int buttonX = 34;
int buttonY = 34;
void controlGUI() {
carImage = loadImage(
selected =
turnSelected =
// one
oneImage = loadImage("one.png");
oneOver = loadImage("oneOver.png");
oneButton = new ImageButtons(108, 258,
buttonX, buttonY,
oneOver, oneImage,
// These last three variables are the placeholder for the images.
// two
twoImage = loadImage("two.png");
twoOver = loadImage("twoOver.png");
Demo and References
Live Demo!
I did "Live Demo" at the presentation, But we did not recorded the demo.
(Addition Demo Video will be post as soon as possible.)
Digi XBee Examples & Guides
Arduino Set Up -
Future Technology Devices International Inc. -
Arduino SoftwareSerial Library
Arduino SoftwareSerial Library -
Processing Serial
Processing Serial Library -
CoolTerm App -
Motors Driver
Control your motors with L293D and Arduino -
"Wireless Robotics Platform: Cheap R/C Vehicle + Arduino + XBee + Processing" by
I did "Live Demo" at the presentation, But we did not recorded the demo.
(Addition Demo Video will be post as soon as possible.)
Digi XBee Examples & Guides
Arduino Set Up -
Future Technology Devices International Inc. -
Arduino SoftwareSerial Library
Arduino SoftwareSerial Library -
Processing Serial
Processing Serial Library -
CoolTerm App -
Motors Driver
Control your motors with L293D and Arduino -
"Wireless Robotics Platform: Cheap R/C Vehicle + Arduino + XBee + Processing" by