Print a Fidget (tinkercad/3-d Printing)

by wallainbrooklynn in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Print a Fidget (tinkercad/3-d Printing)

Brooks contest entry.png

I made a fidget toy on tinkercad, Please tell me if you make it !


download (2).png


A MakerBot METHOD,, 32GB Thumb Drive, PLA filament( any color), PVA filament, And You will also need a tub, a gallon of water, and some weights. Please make sure you double-check supplies.

Getting Started

download (2).png

Go to tinkercad, sign up or log in.

Once Your In

Screenshot 2021-10-01 at 2.25.45 PM.png

Once you have logged in click "create new design".

Start Designing

Screenshot 2021-10-01 at 2.34.55 PM.png

Then go to your toolbox and click "Box". Hover your mouse over the workplane and click.

The Settings

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 2.24.21 PM.png

Click the edit grid button and then change it from millimeters to inches.

More Settings

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Now click the snap grid button and change to 1/64 inches.

The Base

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 2.29.16 PM.png

Click the top right corner and drag till at 3.22 on both sides.

The Height

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Then click the top middle and drag up until at 3.22.

Work Plane

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 2.34.36 PM.png

Now click the work plane tool and click the side of the cube.

Side 1

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 2.37.32 PM.png

Then drag a cylinder from the toolbox and drop it on the middle of the box.


Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 2.40.15 PM.png

Click the top right corner and make it 2 by 2

The Size

Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 1.59.28 PM.png

Drag the middle back until it is 1/2 inch thick. Recenter the circle.

Workplane Adjusting

Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 2.03.56 PM.png

Use the work plane tool and reset it so that it is on the bottom of the box.

Viewing Cube

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Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 2.05.16 PM.png
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Use the viewing cube to turn to the left.

Side 2

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Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 2.19.00 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 2.22.04 PM.png

Get a box from the toolbox. Put the box on the side. Use the triangle as shown above to move the shape up. Then make it only 1/8 inch thick. Make the box 2 5/8 inches long. Recenter.


Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 2.22.20 PM.png

Now you click the elongated box and hit ctrl+d on your keyboard this will copy the box. Then grab the triangle and drag it up 1/8 inch. Repeat until at the top of the large box.


Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 2.24.21 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 2.24.44 PM.png

Turn to back. Go to your shapes library. Click structures and scenery. Then scroll down all the way. Click More Shapes.


Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 2.38.35 PM.png

Use the Work Plane as in Step 7, put it on the back.

Gathering Shapes

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 2.30.36 PM.png

Scroll down and click arch.

Side 3

Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 2.05.05 PM.png

Put the arch on the work plane. Center. Make the arch 3 inches wide and 2.7 inches tall.


Reset the work plane then turn to right using the viewing cube.

Side 4

Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 2.25.14 PM.png

Go to hardware in your shapes library click "more shapes". Click chain and put on box. The chain should be 2/8 inches in from the edge. It will also be 3.109 inches tall. Make sure it is not touching the top or the bottom of the box. Then Push ctrl+d and drag the chain over 2/8 inches. Repeat.

The Top

Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 2.30.14 PM.png

Use viewing cube to go to the top of the box. Then put wok plane down. Go back to basic shapes in your shape library.

The Steps

Grab a paraboloid from the toolbox. Put it in the corner. Make sure it is 1/8 inches in from the edge. Make it 1/2 inch tall.

Copy + Paste

Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 2.40.02 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 2.43.34 PM.png

Press ctrl+d drag the paraboloid over until each paraboloid is barely touching. Repeat once. Press ctrl+d again this time make the paraboloid drag it to the side of the other one. Repeat until it looks like the image above. Reset work plane.


Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 2.15.55 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 2.22.24 PM.png

Now you click the work plane and drag across all the shapes. Then click the grouping symbol shown above. Click and drag again and then click the color button shown above to choose a color. All the shapes should be the color that you chose, if not regroup them.


Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 2.26.07 PM.png

Now pick up the shape using the triangle pick up until you can see the bottom of the shape. Put your work plane on the bottom of the shape.

The Last Side

Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 2.52.51 PM.png

Go to your shapes library and click "everyday objects". Now scroll down and click more shapes until you find a "chain link". Put the chain link on the bottom of your shape. Make it 2.9 inches long and 1 1/4 inches wide it should be 1/8 inch thick. Press ctrl+d. drag the copy chain link to the other side of the box it should look like the picture above.

Finishing the Design

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Screenshot 2021-10-13 at 1.57.24 PM.png

Now group the shapes as in Step 25. Reset the workplane. Bring it down to the workplane.


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Click the export button.

Screenshot 2021-10-19 at 2.41.41 PM.png

Then click.STL

New Print

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Click start a new print.

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In the upper left-hand, corner click add models. Then click add file. Choose the file you just uploaded.

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It should look like this


Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 2.14.43 PM.png

Now make the settings look like the image above.


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Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 2.34.14 PM.png

Change the printer to the method.


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Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 2.31.51 PM.png

Click preview then click export.


Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 2.39.02 PM.png

It should show up in your files



Plug in the USB Port.


Screenshot 2021-10-22 at 2.07.34 PM.png

Drag the new file to the USB drive.



Unplug the USB and plug it into the printer.


how+to+put+filiment+into+a+makerbot+method Go to each link and load the printer with your filament.

The Rest

Answer the questions it asks you.


Wait until it is finished. Then put it into the hot water leave for 24 hours until supports are gone.



Then it will look like the picture above please tell me if you make it!