Prevent Acne

by ezman in Living > Health

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Prevent Acne

The word Acne comes from the word acme meaning "the highest point".  We all experience Acne to varying degrees and at different ages.  They appear mostly on the face, back, chest, shoulders and neck, but you can find them all over your body including your arms, legs and feet.  Anywhere you have microscopic hair follicles, otherwise know as pores.  This is how you can Prevent Acne too.

But first let’s look at the 2 types of Acne:
1) Non-inflammatory acne
Within this type there are;
Whitehead – the trapped sebum (oil) and bacteria stay below the skin surface.
Blackhead – occur when the pore opens to the surface and the sebum (oil), which contains the skin pigment melanin, oxidizes and turns color. It is not dirt and cannot be washed away.

2) Inflammatory acne
Within this type there are;
Papule – occur when there is a break in the follicular wall. White blood cells rush in and the pore becomes inflamed.
Pustule – forms several days later when white blood cells make their way to the surface of the skin. This is what we refer to as a "zit" or a "pimple".
Cyst – occur when a severe inflammatory reaction results in very large pus filled lesion.
Nodule – follicle breaks along the bottom, total collapse can occur, causing a large, inflamed bump that can be sore to the touch.

Let’s look at it in a simple way - skin cells, sebum (oil), dirt, cosmetics and hair clump together into a plug, this plug becomes infected with bacteria, resulting in a swelling.

The Story
5 years ago the company I was working for offered health seminars.  One of those seminars was about Acne.  I was XX years old and constantly bothered with Nodules.  They lasted weeks and they were painful and embarrassing.

The instructor brought a PowerPoint presentation and described what was happening with Acne.  I listen very closely and learned that science shows that bacteria thrives in the oil and they reproduce like "Tribbles".  The pores become clogged and your Acne issues begin.  Since that seminar, I have not had any Nodules, but because I forget to wash with Antibacterial soap then I see and feel a red spot develop.  After a day or 2 of washing with Antibacterial soap it is gone.

Antibacterial Time (keep in beat with the song “Sugartime”)
Acne in the morning
Acne in the evening
Acne at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Home remedy in the morning
Home remedy in the evening
Home remedy at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Antibacterial soap
is the answer to your problems,
If you do not use it,
you may look kind of gruesome,

Acne in the morning
Acne in the evening
Acne at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Home remedy in the morning
Home remedy in the evening
Home remedy at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Wash your face, your forehead,
Your neck and forget not your shoulders.
Or it will keep a growing
‘til it’s a small boulder.

Acne in the morning
Acne in the evening
Acne at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Home remedy in the morning
Home remedy in the evening
Home remedy at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Use this tried and true remedy,
'Cause it’s the thing to do,
Remember it’s not a comedy,
This will work for you.

Home remedy in the morning
Home remedy in the evening
Home remedy at suppertime
Rid me of Acne
And everything’ll be fine

Use Antibacterial soap,
And Prevent Acne,
All the time.

Wash your face, forehead, neck, shoulders, chest, back or any combination of your body that is prone to Acne.  When you notice bumps, redness, whiteheads, it is past time to use preventive measures.  Still use Antibacterial soap but you will have to use it daily instead of weekly.

Word of advice – do not over use antibacterial soap.  There is good bacteria that helps your skin to be healthy.  You do not want to wash away all of the bacteria.  Just the excess.  The old adage is true: Too much is simply too much.  Find a balance; If you are in the throws of Acne, use it daily until it is all gone.  There after cut back to every 3rd day, then cut back to every week.  If you notice the start of Acne, go back to washing daily, then cut back.

Observations & Summary
Had I known about this when I was a teener, life would have been different.  Now I know and I pass along this knowledge whenever I have the chance.  It is up to you, do you want Acne?  No of course not, no one wants it.  Prevent Acne; wash Acne away with Antibacterial soap today.

1) Do not over use antibacterial soap.  There is good bacteria that helps your skin to be healthy.  You do not want to wash away all of the bacteria.  Just the excess.
2) If you are in the throws of Acne, use it daily until it is all gone.  There after cut back to every 3rd day, then cut back to every week.
3) If you notice the start of Acne, go back to washing daily, then cut back.

I am more than satisfied with the results.

Hear advice, and receive instruction, so that you may be wise in your latter end.