Pressure and Temperature Arduino Indicator

by braserito66 in Circuits > Arduino

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Pressure and Temperature Arduino Indicator


This project reads the barometric pressure, ambient temperature, date, time and manages the display color of a phone Siemens S55 I gutted.

System Description


As can be seen in the photos above and in the attached diagram, the system is made up of (BOM):
Arduino Uno R3 model Arduino

Proto shield

DS1307 Real time clock, and 3 volt battery holder

MPL115A2 Barometer / temperature device.

Color screen mobile Siemens S55, LM15SGFNZ07.

In the breadboard, are welded and connected wire to wire, both the top side and the underside, the indicated components, so that containing in the surface.

S55 Display LM15SGFNZ07


After removing the color screen from S55 mobile and having cleared the 10 contacts, I have adapted a ribbon cable connector for interfacing with the proto board. (see pin description).

See attached driver to control display.

Data Tranfer

The data from both the clock and the temperature and pressure sensor are transmitted to Arduino Uno through the I2C serial bus, which use the common pins (SDA, A4) and (SCL, A5)

Arduino Sketch

#include "Wire.h" //libreria para comunicaciones el reloj y el barómetro
#include "Adafruit_MPL115A2.h"// librería barómetro

Adafruit_MPL115A2 mpl115a2;

char sensorPrintPress [6];

char sensorPrintTemp [5];

//Declaración de las cadenas de fecha

char dayPrint [3];

char monthPrint [3];

char yearPrint [5];

//Declaración de las cadenas de hora

char hourPrint [3];

char minPrint [3];

char secPrint [3];

//libreria del reloj DS1307

#include "RTClib.h"


int rate = 0;

// Libreria del LCD de Siemens S55

#include "LM15SGFNZ07.h"

LM15SGFNZ07 lcd(2,3,4,5,6); //config lcd conectivity

void setup()


lcd.init_lcd();// Inicia la pantalla LCD

lcd.contrast_lcd(0x100); //setting new contrast

lcd.clear_lcd(WHITE);// Pone la pantalla en blanco


Wire.begin(); //Inicia el protocolo wire

RTC.begin(); //Inicia el reloj

mpl115a2.begin();//Inicia el barómetro


void loop()


DateTime now =;//Pide el valor de la hora

float pressureKPA = 0, temperatureC = 0; //define las variables del barómetro

pressureKPA = mpl115a2.getPressure();//lee el valor de la presión

temperatureC = mpl115a2.getTemperature() + 3;//Lee el valor de la temp y Suma tres grados error

lcd.str_lcd(" ESTACION METEO",1, 1, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.line_lcd(5, 90, 198, 198, BLACK);

// convert the reading to a string

String sensorP = String(pressureKPA);

// convert the reading to a char array

sensorP.toCharArray(sensorPrintPress, 6);

lcd.str_lcd(sensorPrintPress,8, 3, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd("Pbaro=",1, 3, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd(sensorPrintPress,8, 3, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd("kPa",15, 3, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

String sensorT = String(temperatureC);

// convert the reading to a char array

sensorT.toCharArray(sensorPrintTemp, 5);

lcd.str_lcd(sensorPrintTemp,8, 5, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd("Temp =",1, 5, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd(sensorPrintTemp, 8, 5, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd("C",13, 5, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

lcd.str_lcd("Fecha=",1, 7, 1, BLACK, -1);

int sday =;

String ssday = String(sday);

// convert the reading to a char array

ssday.toCharArray(dayPrint, 3);

lcd.str_lcd(dayPrint,8, 7, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd(dayPrint,8, 7, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd("/",10, 7, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

int smonth = now.month();

String ssmonth = String(smonth);

// convert the reading to a char array

ssmonth.toCharArray(monthPrint, 2);

lcd.str_lcd(monthPrint,11, 7, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd(monthPrint,11, 7, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd("/",13, 7, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

int syear = now.year();

String ssyear = String(syear);

// convert the reading to a char array

ssyear.toCharArray(yearPrint, 5);

lcd.str_lcd(yearPrint,14, 7, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd(yearPrint,14, 7, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

lcd.str_lcd("Hora=",1, 9, 1, BLACK, -1);

int shour = now.hour();

String sshour = String(shour);

// convert the reading to a char array

sshour.toCharArray(hourPrint, 3);

lcd.str_lcd(hourPrint,7, 9, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd(hourPrint,7, 9, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd("/",9, 9, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

int smin = now.minute();

String ssmin = String(smin)

// convert the reading to a char array

ssmin.toCharArray(minPrint, 3);

lcd.str_lcd(minPrint,10, 9, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd(minPrint,10, 9, 1, BLACK, -1);

lcd.str_lcd("/",12, 9, 1, BLACK, -1);

// convert the reading to a string

int ssec = now.second();

String sssec = String(ssec);

// convert the reading to a char array

sssec.toCharArray(secPrint, 3);

lcd.str_lcd(secPrint,13, 9, 1, WHITE, WHITE);

lcd.str_lcd(secPrint,13, 9, 1, BLACK, -1);

if (ssec < 56) {

lcd.line_lcd(0, ssec,1 , 1, BLUE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, ssec,2 , 2, BLUE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, ssec,3 , 3, BLUE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, ssec,4 , 4, BLUE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, ssec,5 , 5, BLUE);


else {

lcd.line_lcd(0, 60,1 , 1, WHITE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, 60,2 , 2, WHITE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, 60,3 , 3, WHITE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, 60,4 , 4, WHITE);

lcd.line_lcd(0, 60,5 , 5, WHITE);







This instrument assembly welding requires some skill but it is actually a fun and interesting project by using equipment recovered from discarded material. Control LCD display is easy and shows the writing characters and some simple graphics.
I hope you enjoy it.

In any case if you know Codebender web site, it is possible to found the shared project.