Press the BUTTON!!!

This game was created for the elderly. Even though my grandma is only 75 years old, she has already forgotten who I am. By playing this game, she will improve her memory and also response capability. According to a study: "About 3.4 million people, or 13.9 percent of the population age 71 and older, have some form of dementia". The design of "Press the BUTTON" is made for the elderly who face the problem of dementia and amnesia. This game is not only beneficial to my grandmother but it can also help other elderly.
So, let's take a look at this fantastic game.
You'll need the following materials for this project:
Arduino Materials:
1: Black Button (x3)
2: Arduino UNO (x1)
3: Arduino USB Cable (x1)
4: Breadboard (x1)
5: 50pcs 10 ohm Resistor (x3)
6: wires (x12)
7:10k ohm resistor (x3)
8: Led: (3 led with different colors)
1: cardboard (21x14)
2: Utility knife (x2)
3: hot glue gun (x1)
Design the Box

1.Cut the cardboard to the following dimensions:
The box's top and bottom covers measure 21 x 13 cm.
The front and back sides measure 21x7.5 cm.
The dimensions of the left and right sides are 12x7.5 cm.
2. Stick all the sides together with a glue gun except the top cover.
3. Count 10cm from the left to the middle and count 10cm from the right to the middle and make a mark.
4. Make a mark at 4cm on both sides.
5. Draw a circle with a diameter of three centimeters on the right, left, and middle.
6. Use the utility knife to cut down the circles.
7.On the top of three holes cut three holes with 3x3cm.
(the holes need to match with the led)
8. Insert the buttons through the holes.
9. Place the Arduino UNO into the box.
10. Cut a small square on the back of the box so the USA cable can go through the box.
11. Use the hot glue gun to side the top cover onto the box
12. Stick three stickers that match the color of the led.
Step 3: the Circuit

Follow the picture above and do the same steps.
(The resistor for the button is 50pcs 10-ohm Resistor!)

This is the link to the code:
Final Product

This is how my project works. Press the button with the red sticker when you see the red led flash. Press the button with the orange sticker when you see the orange led flash. Press the button with the blue sticker when you see the blue led flash. Hope you like this game. See you next time!