Preparation of the Carrot
When we prepare carrots we will often use a pealer or a knife to peal it. They wast a lot of the goodness under the skin of the carrot though, as they get rid of to much skin.
This instructable is to show a easy and better way of pealing your carrots.
What You Will Need...
You will need...
A sharp but small knife
A bowl
A choping board
A sive
De Heading + Tailing
Now de head and tail the carrot.
Hold your knife at a 90* angle and scrap away from you.
What It Should Look Like...
Picture 1 is half done(left) and half to do(right)
Picture 2 is the hole thing done!
Cut how you like, add to what you like as we are done!!!
Now you carrot is far healthier and there is hardly any wast! I hope this helps you with your carrot preparation;)