Powerful K'nex Gun
This is a powerful gun made of K'nex that shoots wire ammunition with a rubber band.
You will need K'nex pieces, duct tape, a rubber band, a flat piece of plastic, and a clothes pin or clip.
Build both these pieces. You will need 24 yellow, 16 silver, and 20 black.
To connect the two frames you will need 3 purples, 1 red, 8 silver rings, 8 light blue rings, and 2 blue clip pieces.
To build this you will need 4 yellows, 2 blacks, and 1 silver. Then wrap the handle with duct tape.
This will add support to your handle. You will need 1 yellow, 1 grey, 1 white, and 1 purple. Then wrap with duct tape.
This will let the wire ammunition glide easily as it is being fired. Any flat piece of plastic will work, but I used an old hot wheels track. Simply tape this on top of the gun.
This acts as a trigger for the gun. Simply tape this to the top of the gun.
Rubber Bands
Tape to each end of the red K'nex piece.
Bend wire into this shape with needle-nose pliers.
To shoot simply hook wire onto rubber band, pull it back and clip it in the clip, then aim and shoot. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU DO WITH THIS GUN.