Portal Block Moon Lamp

This project, portal moon lamp, originally came from the "How to Build a Companion Cube Mood Lamp (For Absolute Arduino Beginners)" website in instructable (https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/build-companion-cube...). The original project was created to not only keep you accompanied but can also add more color and texture to anywhere in the room. However, when added to a random room in the morning or at night when people are awake, they usually just use house lights and office lights, not this moon lamp. Therefore, with the changes added, the product can be a night light used during nighttime, specifically made for those who have trouble sleeping at night, for the design to reach its maximum efficiency and function. These changes include changing the overall brightness through coding and the adding paint to the outside cover and adding another color "red" to make the product even more interesting and colorful. This instructable will show you just how you are going to make this portal block night moon lamp step by step:
Gather Supplies

For this project, you will need:
1x Arduino Leonardo
1x Breadboard
4x long jumper wires (preferably different colors for better identification)
3x Ohm resistors
1 x paintbrush
1x USB cable
5x transparent A4 paper
1x gray clay
1x silver and white acrylic paint Hot glue gun & hot glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 pack of green pearl (optional)
1 roll of silver tape (optional)
Connecting the Circuits

As beginners, be sure to follow the diagram and photo for where each wire and component on the bread board goes. If later on you test it and it does not work, remember to check:
- whether your jumping wire connects the GND with negative
- components that connects the entire circuit are connected vertically
--> circuit runs vertically, not horizontally
- whether the RGB LED's legs are all plugged in properly(same goes for all the other wires)

Since this is a program for beginners, I wrote the link for you here. Feel free to just download and use it right away. Remember, if you are adding any new elements to the code, look at the notes behind // by the previous author indicating what each part is coding for.
Create Outershell

For the outer shell:
1. Cut out x5 19.5 sizes transparent paper
2. Use the brush & acrylic paint to paint a layer of white on the first 4 transparent paper
3. Wait for the paint to dry
4. Paint in the details including the heart, and silver blocks
5.Hot glue all 5 faces of the cube together (excluding the base)
6. Get the gray clay and make the little details above
7. Optional: pearl & silver tape to decorate your moon lamp
Combine It All Together & YOUR DONE!

Place the breadboard and Arduino Leonardo inside the outer shell through the bottom, connect it with some kind of power using a USB cable. Then, upload the code written previously (press the arrow button).

Enjoy as your dream swiftly undergoes an adventure through this magical portal!