Portable IoT Display

This instructables show how to use a 2 inches LCD and ESP32 to make a portable IoT Display.
TTGO T7 V1.0
2 inches IPS LCD
402035 Lipo
D-Ring Locking Carabiner Clip Keychain
3D Print Case
Please download and print the case at thingiverse:
Soldering Work

Follow the LCD datasheet connect the pins. Please read through the datasheet before connection especially if you are not ordered same LCD model.
Here are the connection summary:
ESP32 -> LCD GND -> Pin 1 GND -> Pin 2 LED K 3v3. -> Pin 4 Vcc -> 20 Ohm -> Pin 3 LEDA GPIO 27 -> Pin 7 D/C GPIO 5 -> Pin 8 CS GPIO 18 -> Pin 9 SCK GPIO 23 -> Pin 10 MOSI GPIO 33 -> Pin 11 RST
Seal Wires

Use some tapes to seal the soldered wires and exposed pins.

Please follow the video to assembly.
Arduino IDE
Download and install Arduino IDE if you are not yet do it:
ESP32 Support
Follow the Installation Instructions to add ESP32 support if you re not yet do it:
Arduino_GFX Library
Download latest Arduino_GFX libraries: (press "Clone or Download" -> "Download ZIP")
Import libraries in Arduino IDE. (Arduino IDE "Sketch" Menu -> "Include Library" -> "Add .ZIP Library" -> select downloaded ZIP file)
Compile & Upload
- Connect the device with USB cable
- Open Arduino IDE
- Open ESPWiFiAnalyzer sample code ("File" -> "Example" -> "Arduino_GFX" -> "ESPWiFiAnalyzer")
- Press Arduino IDE "Upload" button

This 2 inches IoT display not only a simple ESP WiFi Analyzer, ESP32 have much more possibilities. It's time to use your imagination to develop your unique IoT device!