Portable Bathroom Shelf

The need for a portable bathroom shelf arises when there is no space to keep the toiletries in a washroom. Such problem becomes more prominent in a hostel with common washrooms.
This shelf is a portable, light weight , small and a utilitarian shelf that solves multiple purposes to store one's toiletries. One can also store other stuff like stationary, a mobile phone power bank, charger , small portable speakers and the list goes on . This makes the shelf as a one stop solution for storing small stuff . Anyone who has a tendency to lose small articles like pens can also find the shelf useful.
Materials and Tools Used
- Soft wood
- Ply wood
- Plain mirror
- Nails
- Fevicol SH (Adhesive)
- Filer
- Wood bidding
- Saw
- Slotting machine
- Drill machine
- Screwdriver
- Sand paper
- Iron jack plane
- Mallet
- Carpentry vice
- Steel rod
- Aluminiuim brackets
(All dimensions in cm)
- Back panel(27*25)
- Front panel(25*15)
- Bottom (13*25)
Difficulty- Easy
Time taken :6 easy hours
Choosing the Type of Wood
- The shelf had to be light weight to enhance its portability hence a light ply wood was selected for the body structure .
Cutting Into Pieces

- The wood was cut into the required dimensions using an electric hand cutter and a saw.
- The wood pieces were finished using a filer.
Slotting and Drilling

- Slotting and drilling were performed on the specific wood pieces.
- Slotting was done to accommodate the soap and mirror.
- Drilling was done to accommodate the water outlet.
Setting Up the Shelf
- The shelf was set up using nails and a hammer. To further strengthen the shelf , an adhesive called fevicol was used.
Adding Accessories and Finishing

- The mirror , the back handle were added into the shelf. The handle provides versatility as it helps to place the shelf over door frames , railings etc.
- Wood Varnish was applied to the whole body to make it more appealing.