Popsicle Grenade
This Instructable will teach you how to make a *grenade* from popsicle sticks.
Collect Your Materials
In this step you will get everything you need to do in this Instructable
1.5 popsicle sticks
2.about 1 minute
1.5 popsicle sticks
2.about 1 minute
Make the Frame
Take 3 sticks and put one facing left,one right and one in the middle. THE MIDDLE ONE HAS TO BE ON THE TOP WHERE THEY CONNECT!
The Easy Part
Take the stick and put it under the left and right one but on top of the middle one. Hold the meeting place tight so it doesnt fall apart!
The Hard Part
Take the last stick and put it on top of the left and right but under the middle one. HOLD TIGHT!
Now Throw It!
I do not want to be held for any injuries this may cause! Once you are done take it by the bottom and toss it to make a distraction or to just annoy your friends and family!