Pop Art Lips

Makeup that pops.

- Red lip liner
- White lip/eye liner
- Black liquid eyeliner
- Black eye shadow
- Small makeup brush
- Lipstick sealer (optional)

Take red lip liner and trace around the areas where you would like the white reflection to be. The reflection will look best along the upper part of the top lip and the lower part of the bottom lip.
More Red

Color in your lips with red lip liner. Don’t color in the areas you outlined in the last step; you will be filling those in later with white liner.

Outline the entire lip area with liquid eyeliner.
Lines & Triangles

Take the liquid eyeliner and paint lines coming out from the inner part of your lips; follow the natural lines of the lips. To make it look more animated, make some of the lines into little triangles. The points of the triangles should be facing toward the outer part of each lip.

To create the shadow, run the liquid eyeliner along the inner part of the top and bottom lips. Open your mouth a bit and make sure you covered everything along the inner lip.

Using a small brush, gently dab some black shadow on the corners of the lips.

Add some shine by coloring in the empty spaces with white.

If you want the look to last, finish it off with some lipstick sealer.