Pool Therapy Platform
Our initial understanding of the final product was a railing to place in/along the length of the pool that allows for someone to walk along the pool with an assistance in place to allow for safer pool therapy actions. Upon meeting with our client we got a better picture of the product they wanted, and to put some requirements in place. The product they need is a platform that simply raises the water level to allow a young child(4-6) to stand in water and practice some mobility exercises. In addition we were also given the material, and initial design(figure 1) process of another group that was attempting this project. After meeting with our client we were able to generate our problem statement, and the requirements.
Obtain Your Materials
- 50 ft of 1 in PVC piping
- 4 T joint fittings
- 10 three hole curved fittings
- 1 shelving units base platform
- 2 elbow joint fittings
Tools Needed
- PVC pipe cutter
- Sandpaper
- PVC glue if desired for a stronger hold
- Electric handheld drill with drill bit
When building this platform you calculate your size based on your platform itself. That way it fits snuggly to the base of the platform.
For the height of the platform this would all depend on the depth of your pool.
For our pool our legs needed to be 24in long.
After gathering all of your parts and your measurements you’re ready to start building your platform
One important note is that when cutting your lengths you need to take into account how far the PVC will go into the fittings themselves.
After cutting all of your lengths you can sand the rough edges that way it fits perfectly into the fittings themselves
Start with the handrail, this is the easiest part to start with
It has the easiest measurements to measure and shows the length that the base will need to be!
Once it is all cut you slide the PVC into place and they will stick together tightly and if they move around this is the time to glue them together.
After the PVC was cut we put it into the fittings and pushed tightly into place, this was 7 lengths that made up the handrail with 3 fittings,
Moving to the base structure
You will need to have the four legs all cut to the same height
You will also need to have four long lengths for the length
You will need to have 1piece cut for the width
The second and third width will need to be divided in half to fit a t joint that will house the cross beam support bar that is the same length as the other four long lengths, bringing that total to {5 long lengths}
The fourth width will need to have 2in pieces two t joints and then a shorter length that connects and matches the width of all the other widths
Now that all of your pieces have been prepped you can now assemble your base platform.
The construction of the platform matches the diagram perfectly.
Only thing not shown in the diagram is the extra short legs on one side of the platform, because these are an optional feature.
Once your platform is fully assembled you can now put all of your parts together, the shelving unit base should fit perfectly onto the base platform you assembled and then the handrail should slide right into the holes created by the platform.
Before putting it into the pool drill holes as many as necessary to let it fill with water.
For safety add a flat mat on the shelving platform that way a toe does not get stuck!
Zip Tie the platform to the base and add extra weight if necessary, in the form of sandbags.