Pocket Sonic Ruler

This a pocket sized Ultrasonic scale you could carry in your pocket and measure the length of object.
You could measure your height, furniture heights etc.,
I am writing this instructable on the assumption that you know how to install Arduino IDE and upload code to arduino uno using it.
So Lets get Started.
Components used:
Arduino Uno
TM1637 - 7 segment display
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic scale
Arduino power jack
9V battery and its connector
Connections and Code

Ultrasonic has 4 pins: echo, trigger, vcc, gnd
Connect VCC to pin 8 of arduino
echo --> pin 7
trig --> pin 6
gnd --> ground of arduino
TM1637 display has 4 pins CLK, DIO , VCC, GND
CLK --> Pin 2 of arduino
DIO --> Pin 3 of arduino
Download the code from this link and copy-paste in Arduino IDE.
Upload the code to Arduino Uno
Put It in a Box

After all connection put them together in a box.
Take a pocket sized box and cut holes for ultrasonic sensor, switch and display.
Switch connection you could see from image.
You could add your own modifications.
Product Images and Video