Pocket Size Heartbeat and Spo2 Measuring Device With Bluetooth Communication

by itsarduinoboy in Circuits > Arduino

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Pocket Size Heartbeat and Spo2 Measuring Device With Bluetooth Communication

HealthMate App.png

Hello Maker ! My name is Rohan I hope you are well and I am here to share a very interesting project which is Pocket Size Heartbeat and Spo2 Measuring Device, So this device measures the Heartbeat and Spo2 level and send it to our smartphone

Story Why I Made This Project

So the story behind the making of this project is that, few months ago I went to a village to meet my uncle and there I saw there were no basic medical facility, So thinking this only I decided to make this project and finally it's here so now lets see how to make this so lets get started



List of Things Required For Making This Project Are:-

  1. Arduino Nano
  2. Jumper Wires
  3. MAX30100 Sensor
  4. Breadboard
  5. HC-05 Bluetooth Module
  6. Cardboard (if you want to cover your project you can use this or 3d printer) *Optional

List of Tools:-

  1. Soldering Iron (if you want to solder all the components so in this case you can use it else leave it) *Optional
  2. Hot Glue Gun (for joining the
  3. Cutter

Doing the Connection


So after gathering all the components all you need is to do connection so lets start one by one

MAX30100 To Arduino Nano

  1. SCL To A5
  2. SDA To A4
  3. GND To GND
  4. VCC To VIN

HC-05 Bluetooth Module To Arduino Nano

  1. RX To TX
  2. TX To RX
  3. GND To GND
  4. VCC To 5V

Li-ion Battery To TP4056 Charging Module

  1. +ve To B+
  2. -ve To B-

Now For Giving Power Supply To Arduino Nano Connect

  1. OUT+ of TP4056 To 5V of Arduino Nano
  2. OUT- of TP4056 To GND of Arduino Nano

that's all about the connection you can also download this connection as well lets move towards the coding part


So time has came to see the code so lets start

So you can download the code but before that let me explain the code to you

#include <Wire.h> //Calling Wire Library

#include "MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h"// Calling MAX30100 SPO2 Heartbeat Sensor

#define REPORTING_PERIOD_MS     1000//delay for data to be print

PulseOximeter pox;

uint32_t tsLastReport = 0;

void onBeatDetected()


    Serial.println("Beat!");//when there is any beat then it will print beat


void setup()


    Serial.begin(9600);//calling serial monitor with 9600 baud rate

    Serial.print("Initializing pulse oximeter..");

    // Initialize the PulseOximeter instance

    // Failures are generally due to an improper I2C wiring, missing power supply

    // or wrong target chip

    if (!pox.begin()) {



    } else {




    // Register a callback for the beat detection



void loop()


    // Make sure to call update as fast as possible


    if (millis() - tsLastReport > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS) {

        Serial.print("Heart rate:");


        Serial.print("bpm / SpO2:");



        tsLastReport = millis();



So yup that's the code now we will see the app part

Configuring the App

Download the app from the given link:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wM2Jn4hXfHfN7DAOpZo9VqnLtyDlrjGd/view?usp=sharing

After downloading the app open it and follow the steps

  • Before moving further make sure you have connected the HC-05 Bluetooth Module with your Smartphone
  • Now open the app and click on Select your HeartMate
  • Now select HC-05 and wait for few seconds
  • Now you will see that you data is getting printed on the screen
  • And If you click on "SPEAK OUT MY BPM AND SPO2" then it will call the data

So That's all keep making keep innovating