Plywood Accent Wall W/LED's

by Drbandwidth in Living > Decorating

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Plywood Accent Wall W/LED's


This is a wall a friend and I made for a local business. It looks great and attracts the eyes of many people passing by. Everything you need to complete it you can certainly get at the hardware store with exception of the LED's. It may seem complicated but I assure you that you can do it. It only requires basic tools, no math and just one person, YOU. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. I hope you enjoy this Instructable. Thank you for taking a look!




Soldiering Iron

Nail Gun

Measuring Tape

Jig Saw, Scroll Saw or CNC

Wall Anchors & Screws

Jab Saw

Drill or Screwdriver

LED Strips with Remote Control

Hot Glue Gun or Similar Adhesive

Plywood or any wood really

Ruler or Straightedge

Small gauge wire (I used CAT5 cable)

Plan Your Design

  1. Measure the width and height of the wall you would like to use for this build.
  2. Make a sketch of your wall outline and add in any shapes you would like to incorporate onto the new wall. I chose some random geometric shapes.

Create Your Final Design

Outer layer.jpg
Inner layer.jpg
  1. I used Vectric Aspire to create the final design on my computer, however, this is not required. You could easily use pencil and paper or even draw directly onto the wall.
  2. Once you have your final shapes drawn out, decide the spacing you will use in between them. The spaces between the geometric shapes in my design are 1/2". You can make them larger or smaller but 1/2" seems to work pretty well.
  3. In order to have space to install the LED strips, this wall consists of two layers.
  4. The inner layer (the layer against the drywall) is 1/2" thick.
  5. This layers' pieces are the same shape as the outer layer, however, they are offset so they are 2" smaller. Also, these pieces have the centers removed to allow access through the drywall for the LED wires.
  6. The outer layer (this is the visible layer once complete) is 3/8" thick.
  7. This is the layer that has a 1/2" gap between the pieces.

Cut Your Pieces Out

Wood Outer Layer.jpg
Wood inner Layer.jpg
wood combined.jpg

I am fortunate enough to have access to a CNC router that I was able to use for this step. However, this can totally be done with a jig saw, scroll saw, laser cutter, plasma cutter for metal pieces, etc...

  1. Cut out both layers.
  2. Label each piece that is cut that matches where is goes in your design.
  3. It's a good idea to label each piece so after you have them all cut, you don't then have to figure out a jigsaw puzzle.
  4. If you forgot to label the pieces...
  5. Complete your new jigsaw puzzle and label your pieces.

Install the Inner Layer

drywall 2.jpg
  1. Start with the bottom row of shapes and work from left to right. Place each inner shape and use some drywall anchors to secure them to the wall.
  2. Once your inner shapes are installed, each one will need a hole cut into the drywall somewhere within the shape.
  3. This hole will be used to run the wires to and from the LED's.

Install the Wires for the LED Strips

  1. I chose to use six separate LED strips; one strip for each horizontal "row" of shapes.
  2. You can use more or less LED strips but the more separate strips you use will give you more control with different LED colors when complete. You can even use one strip per shape, although, it might get complicated with that many LED remote controls to keep track of.
  3. Cut pieces of the CAT5 wire long enough to reach from shape to shape.
  4. Run the first wire from the first shape, through the hole in the drywall, behind the drywall and out the hole in the next shape.
  5. Then, run one wire from that second shape to the third shape and so on.
  6. Depending on how many separate LED strips you use and how you decide to wire them will determine how you can change the colors when you are done. My wall has six LED Strips, one for each horizontal row. So, I only have control to turn on/off and change colors on each entire row at a time.

Install the LED Strips

  1. You will need to cut a section out of each inner layer piece to feed the LED strip through.
  2. Wrap each inner layer shape with a section of LED and cut it to size
  3. Leave extra length so you have room to soldier the previous and next wire.
  4. The LED strips I used have adhesive backing so they just stuck to the wood
  5. Soldier each wire that you ran through the wall previously to each LED strip to make a chain. In my case, each horizontal row.
  6. Each row in my design has one remote to control the LEDs. Make sure the receiver for the remote sticks through the slot of the inner shape so you can control them when done.

Install the Outer Layer

  1. Make sure to test each section of LEDs before installing the outer layer.
  2. Using a spacer block (mine is 1/2") install the outer layer.
  3. I used a 23ga pin nailer to attach each outer shape to each inner shape.
  4. Be careful not to nail into your LED strips

Show Off Your New Accent Wall


One step at a time and YOU can do it! You got this! Good luck!