
by flyingPig507 in Circuits > Arduino

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PlotClock zoomIn LOT

Base on Plotclock by joo

Thanks to joo, Johannes Heberlein and other maker! ~(^◇^)/ (┌・ω・)┌✧

A larger version of the Plotclock. use microcontroller board of LOT. In addition to drawing and writing, you can also click the mobile phone.

I did these changes:

  • Zoom in about 2 times;
  • The range of draw is large enough to cover the many phone screen;
  • Bearings were added to the rotating parts;
  • Replaced the bigger servo;
  • The frame is redesigned and laser cut;
  • Microcontroller board was replaced with NodeMCU-32s;

Chinese Ver:

List of Materials

  • NodeMCU-32S x 1
  • Beech laminate 300*300*4mm . x1
  • washer m3 x6
  • Servo MG995 x3
  • sleeve bearing with flange GFM030402 . x12
  • Ball link m3 x1
  • Ball link m2 x1
  • nylon screw M3 x8
  • nylon Nut M3 x8
  • nylon screw M4 x12
  • nylon Nut M4 x12
  • Steel screw M3 x3
  • Stop nut M3 x3
  • power supply 5v8a or 5v10a x1

Laser Cut for Frame

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 8.23.58 PM.png

You can found it in file of fusion360 - Sketch


Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 9.58.36 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 8.01.27 PM.png

Servo pins:

  • D23
  • D22
  • D21

Ready for PlatformIO

This code need modify then can run in arduino IDE, so PlatformIO is a better way.

How to use PIO to check this:

And you should install Arduino IDE too, because it can so easy to download all the kind of library.

Install Drive for Your MAC or PC

If your computer do not detected NodeMCU when connect it by usb cable. Need install drive by manual.

Upload Code

New PIO project.

Modify these in your platformio.ini

platform = espressif32
board = nodemcu-32s
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

replace the main.cpp:

Copy these library from your path of aduino to your PIO's lib.

Attention: do not use arduino original servo lib, it can't work on NodeMCU. need use this:

ESP32Servo (search on arduino Library Manager)


This is a HARD work. If you use my frame and code, so maybe it was done, i guess.

If you want adjust, please check this:

I follow it, hope useful to you.