Holding Fire

This trick is really simple and easy to do, but also dangerous.(So be careful) It uses a few simple materials and can be done in under five minutes.
To do this simple trick you will need...
A bottle of hand sanitizer
A lighter
A cup of water
A cotton ball(Optional)
Lighting the Hand Sanitizer

To light the hand sanitizer, squirt a glob of it on to a concrete floor. Next, carefully light the glob with the lighter. The sanitizer will now be on fire.
Grabbing the Fire

To grab the fire, dunk your hand in water and then carefully scoop the fire into your hand.(It stays alight for about five seconds)

Another cool way to hold fire is the fireball. To make the fireball, you infuse gas from a lighter into the cotton ball. Then you light it and scoop it up. You are now done, be careful!