Plastic Organizer

by 26orozco7059 in Craft > Reuse

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Plastic Organizer


Materials: Paper, stickers, Exacto knife, 2 plastic bottles, crayons.

Product: this is an organizer, you could put crayons, colored pencils, pencils, pens, markers, etc and go back for easy access. This product can be easily changed by the builder to their desires and will be easy to build.


Materials: Paper, stickers, Exacto knife, 2 plastic bottles, crayons.

Cut the Cap


This step is simple but might be hard, once you do this step the rest is downhill, using an Exacto knife or scissors, cut the cap, the best way to do it is to make a dent around the cap with the knife and then cut away with the scissors.

Cut the Line


This step is also simple, just cut a line from the part where you cut the cap, to the plastic wrapping. also cut a little from the bottom of where the top of the paper wrapping is, this is so you can open and close the flaps and you can access your items easier.

Take of the Wraping


This step is really simple and easy, just take of the wraping.

Paste With Stickers


This step is easy, using 2 strips of paper and stickers wrap a paper around the bottles, this is so the bottles don't fall apart and so that you can customize the paper however you want.



This step is simple, using crayons, markers or colored pencils, customize the paper and then you are ready to go.


For me, design thinking is a different way of thinking and different ways of problem-solving in creative and new ways and it is also a mindset.

Design thinking is essential because it opens your mind to new solutions and ideas that you might have not occurred with.

My design is made of bottles and it is to organize belongings or anything for that matter, with easy access.

My user was my mom.

Ideation: the ideation process was the part where we have to generate ideas, I did it on post its like. a lot but not with a lot of quality, then I choose one of those designs and make it more detailed on paper, and then I do it in real life.