Plastic Bag Rug!
This rug is pretty easy to make , really cool and costs next to nothing to make.
What You Will Need
Plastic shopping bags (like the ones you get at the grocery store)
Large garbage bags or sturdy ribbon
Rectangular piece of cardboard a little larger than the size rug you wish to make.
Yard or meter stick
Large garbage bags or sturdy ribbon
Rectangular piece of cardboard a little larger than the size rug you wish to make.
Yard or meter stick
Step 2
1. The cardboard will be used to make a loom. The rug will end being about three inches smaller than the piece of cardboard you use. Cut notches along the top and bottom of the cardboard. To create the notches draw a line 1 1/2 inches below the top and bottom edge. Make a mark every 1 1/2 inches along each of the lines you just drew. Cut a notch as wide as your thumb at every mark.
Step 3
Cut large garbage bags in long strips about six inches wide. Tie all the strips together into a long piece. I ended up using three garbage bags. You can also use large, sturdy ribbon.
Step 4
Wrap the garbage bag (or ribbon) around the front and back of the cardboard using the notches you cut into the cardboard to hold the bag in place. Then tie the ends together on the back diagonally. Your loom is now ready for weaving.
Step 5
Cut the handles and down the side of shopping bags to flatten them out. The bigger the rug you make the more shopping bags you will need so make sure you have a lot handy in each color that you want to use on your rug. Different stores may have different colored shopping bags. For example, the blue bags in my rug are from Wal-Mart.
Step 6
To get started, tie 3 bags together
Step 7
To start weaving, tie one end of the shopping bags to the top corner of the loom (don't tie it to the cardboard, tie it to the garbage bag or ribbon), then weave the rest of the shopping bag over and under the garbage bags (or ribbon) strips. Weave each row in an opposite pattern as the previous row. Attach more shopping bags as you go.
Step 8
To remove the rug from the loom, cut the garbage bag (or ribbon) across the top edge of the loom. It is best to cut them two at a time, then tie them together before cutting anymore
Step 9 Finish!
When you are finished, your rug should look something like this!