The Dripping Flower Pot

by anileshD in Craft > Art

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The Dripping Flower Pot

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Hey there!

This is my entry ' The Dripping Flower Pot '

Few days ago, I was told to water the plants by my mom, so took some water in a mug and while watering the cute plant, the water spilled and it was a mess. The water splashed out as it hit the leaves. You can clearly see it in the mentioned image (the 3rd one).

You could only stop creating the mess by bending over and watering slowly and steadily at the peripheral area.

So I came up with this idea to avoid the spilling of water and want to enter the contest in the Practical Inventions category.

Hope you would like it!


Some coffee, peaceful music, little bit of patience and TinkerCAD ofcourse!

Creating the Upper Body of FlowerPot (1)

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Select the CYLINDER option in BASIC SHAPES in tinkercad towards the right side.

Change the dimensions accordingly. (Depends which plant you want to grow)

Creating the Lower Body of Flowerpot (1)

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Select the CONE option from the BASIC SHAPES in Tinkercad.

Change the dimensions accordingly with respect to cylinder.

Then place it on the top of cylinder by using the ALIGN option and then GROUP it.

Creating the Lower Body of Flowerpot (2)

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Select the BOX HOLE option and change the dimensions w.r.t to cone.

Then place it on the top of cone by using ALIGN option .

Place the box hole properly such that the lower body length seems to be appropriate (Depends which plant you want to grow).

Creating the Upper Body of Flowerpot (2)

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Select the CYLINDER HOLE option.

Change the dimensions accordingly.

Place it on the top of lower body using ALIGN option and then GROUP option.

There you go, your flowerpot is ready!

Creating the Doughnut Shaped Water Dripper

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Select the TORUS option from the BASIC SHAPES section and set the dimensions accordingly.

Select another torus and make it as hole and set the dimensions such that it fits inside the bigger torus properly.

Try adjusting the tube and radius by changing the values as per your requirement.

Then use the ALIGN option and GROUP it.

Creating the Holes for Dripping

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Select the CYLINDER option and make it as hole by using HOLE option.

Give the dimensions as per requirement.

Try to keep the cylinder towards the inside, since we want the water to drip towards the inner side.

Use CTRL C + CLTRL V to copy and paste multiple holes.

Then use GROUP option and there you go!

Creating the Funnel

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Select the PARABOLOID option from the BASIC SHAPES section.

Change the dimensions.

Set it to an angle so that the water could flow properly through it.

Select another paraboloid, make it as hole by using HOLE option and then give dimensions w.r.t the bigger one.

Then GROUP it and you have made a cute funnel now!

Grouping the Funnel and the Doughnut

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Rotate the Doughnut shaped water dripper at an angle of 180 degrees.

Place the funnel on the torus in such a way that the water should flow properly through it.

Then group it with the GROUP option.

Final Touches

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Now place the funnel grouped with the torus on the flowerpot's upper body.

Use the ALIGN option to place and then adjust the height.

You have successfully made THE DRIPPING FLOWER POT!

Try 3D printing this one. You'll need to add some supports while 3D printing especially for the funnel.


Surely gonna 3D print this flowerpot and gift it to my mom :)