Plant Support Stakes

It is a savior that helps tomato plants that lean sideways or have difficulty standing upright as they grow and bear fruit, to stand upright.
Instructor: Sena Biliş
Integrative Design: Exploring Ecological Design for Human Habitats / INAR200.B Özyeğin University
Team: Savers / Bendegül Çelik & Nehir Hocaoğlu & Nilsu Tulukcu

Mark the Woods

Using a ruler and pencil, we made a mark on the boards according to the height of the plants. We measured its length and width. We calculated how many boards were needed. Then, we measured and marked the location and distance of the holes we would drill to thread the rope onto the boards, using a ruler. In order for the boards to enter the soil more easily, we shaped one end into a stake and marked it in a triangular shape.
Cut the Woods

Woods was cut to specific dimensions with the help of the decoupage.
Drilling Holes

Holes were drilled in the cut woods with the help of the drill tool. We left the triangular parts to be buried in the ground at a distance of 20-30 cm, took the part on the surface as 1 meter and drilled 4 holes at 20 cm intervals.

The sticks were placed in appropriate places to protect the tomato plants, and the plants were fixed to the sticks with a rope passed through the holes.