Pizza Cutter/Spatula - CAD Contest, Kyle, Aashiv, Derby

by jimenezkylejason3918 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Pizza Cutter/Spatula - CAD Contest, Kyle, Aashiv, Derby


When customers try and use a pizza cutter, they have to wonder if they could try and gain a more efficient tool, with that there comes the use of the spatula and the pizza cutter combined to make what some might consider a perfect pizza handler.


  • Stainless steel
  • Hotglue
  • Computer
  • 3d printer

Come Up With a Design

Pizza Cutter_Spatula.png

When my team was trying to come up with a design, my team was brainstorming for a design we tried to find a form that would be beneficial for most people, which would come in the form of having a spatula on one side, and a pizza cutter on the other side.

Bring It to Life in Fusion


We had used fusion as seen above with the photo to be able to have a somewhat physical idea as to what kind of model we want when it comes to a pizza cutter

Print Out a Model

My teammate Aashiv was able to make the model come to life and had made an excellent prototype, however one thing which was very obvious was the fragility of the first prototype, so with that in mind, we decided to make it much better.

Make It Come Together


With the use of hot glue to make it come together, the circular cutter and the spatula was able to come together in order to form the finished product to be enjoyed

Plan a Way to Show It

My teammates were able to make a 30 second commercial, with me as the spokesperson for the commercial about our pizza cutter. That way it will hopefully entice the customers into trying to buy their products in order to gain interest with the product